I live in a heavy SDA populated area who wear their Sabbath like a chip on their shoulder. I decided to see what they believed on the subject, so I picked up a book WHAT SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS BELIEVE...published by the general Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists.
On page 253 they state that “On FRIDAY AFTERNOON, the SIXTH DAY OF THE WEEK, Christ finished his redemptive mission on earth. His last words were ‘It is finished!”
(caps added by me)
Well.....I can't cannot speak for Daniel....but I've never seen too much about the SDA that I can agree with.
Don’t take what the General Conference says too seriously as an indication of what all SDA’s believe — espeically foregin SDA’s. The SDA church is as useless for chronology and eschatology as the Roman Catholics, however many of them don’t agree with the party line. The Church is a mixture of good and bad just like any other church. It is a real bummer that Ellen White endorsed a Friday Crucifixion, but then she contradicted herself on the “six days before the Passover” passage. I’ve bounced “first of the Sabbaths off of Desmond Ford and the late Samuuele Bacchiocchi face to face.