Posted on 12/28/2007 6:34:21 AM PST by Huber
Main Entry: pri'mate
Etymology: Middle English primat, from Old French, from Medieval Latin primat-, primas archbishop, from Latin, leader, from primus
Date: 13th century
1 often capitalized : a bishop who has precedence in a province, group of provinces, or a nation
2 archaic : one first in authority or rank : LEADER
3 [New Latin Primates, from Latin, plural of primat-, primas] : any of an order (Primates) of mammals comprising humans, apes, monkeys, and related forms (as lemurs and tarsiers)
-pri'mate-ship \-*ship\ noun
--pri-ma'tial \pr*-*m*-sh*l\ adjective
The event, which was agreed at a meeting of Primates in Nairobi last week, will be in the form of a pilgrimage back to the roots of the Churchs faith. The Holy Land is the planned venue. From 15-22 June 2008, Anglicans from both the Evangelical and Anglo-Catholic wings of the church will make pilgrimage to the Holy Land, where Christ was born, ministered, died, rose again, ascended into heaven, sent his Holy Spirit, and where the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out, to strengthen them for what they believe will be difficult days ahead.
At the meeting were Archbishops Peter Akinola (Nigeria), Henry Orombi (Uganda), Emmanuel Kolini (Rwanda), Benjamin Nzimbi (Kenya), Donald Mtetemela (Tanzania), Peter Jensen (Sydney), and Nicholas Okoh (Nigeria); Bishops Don Harvey (Canada), Bill Atwood (Kenya) representing Archbishop Greg Venables (Southern Cone), Bishop Bob Duncan (Anglican Communion Network), Bishop Martyn Minns (Convocation of Anglicans in North America), Canon Dr Vinay Samuel (India and England) and Canon Dr Chris Sugden (England). Bishops Michael Nazir-Ali (Rochester, England), Bishop Wallace Benn (Lewes, England) were consulted by telephone. These leaders represent over 30 million of the 55 million active Anglicans in the world.
Southern Cone Primate Gregory Venables said While there are many calls for shared mission, it clearly must rise from common shared faith. Our pastoral responsibility to the people that we lead is now to provide the opportunity to come together around the central and unchanging tenets of the central and unchanging historic Anglican faith. Rather than being subject to the continued chaos and compromise that have dramatically impeded Anglican mission, GAFCON will seek to clarify Gods call at this time and build a network of cooperation for Global mission.
The gathering set in motion a Global Anglican Future Conference: A Gospel of Power and Transformation. The vision, according to Archbishop Nzimbi is to inform and inspire invited leaders "to seek transformation in our own lives and help impact communities and societies through the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Bishops and their wives, clergy and laity, including the next generation of young leaders will attend GAFCON. The GAFCON website is
Canon Chris Sugden added: "While this conference is not a specific challenge to the Lambeth Conference, it will provide opportunities for fellowship and care for those who have decided not to attend Lambeth. There was no other place to meet at this critical time for the future of the Church than in the Holy Land .
For further details, please contact the following:
* Paul Eddy (UK Press Officer) 44-(0) 7958 905716; * Bishop Lawrence Dena (Kenya) 254-721-99-0236 and 254-202-714755; * Russell Powell (Australia) 61-(0) 411-692499, 612 9265 1507 ; * Ven. AkinTunde Popoola (Nigeria) 234-802-3420161, * Peter Frank (USA) 1-412-281-6131 ext 134; * Canon Dr Chris Sugden (UK) 44 (0) 1865 883388;
none of these bishops are going to Lambeth??
I believe some of them will make an appearance at Lambeth, but I doubt all will be there. Bishops Atwood and Minns weren’t even invited to Lambeth.
I think everyone is coming to the realization that the Episcopal Church and its allies won’t back down while the Global South and its allies won’t give in. I believe Archbishop Williams has understood this since the day ECUSA voted to give Gene Robinson the pointy hat. All he has done since then is try to stall for time and try to get everyone to “cool off”.
Very witty - did you think that one up all by yourself?
Gene Robinson is being “wed” in June..possibly at the same most of TEC heirarchy will want to attend. I wonder if KJS will officiate?
Sounds racist to me. Shouldn’t you be posting over at Stormfront?
OK, OK, it was an incredibly lame attempt at humor. But accusations of racism are wholly unnecessary.
Making monkey jokes about Blacks can get you in trouble almost anywhere these days - even if the Blacks involved are conservative.
Yeah, that’s really clever.
Unfortunately, it succeeded in its purpose: to totally deflect the thread from anything intelligent or forward-looking. For myself, I am extremely interested in this because my own Province has apparently not been included, nor have the ACA or UECNA. As we three communions represent the remaining orthodox home-grown Anglican movement in the US, I am tempted to consider the self-labeling opportunistic at best and misleading at worst. It is highly doubtful whether any communion which ordains women can be considered orthodox in any Christian sense. Given that TAC and Global South both do so, with some gusto, we should approach this ‘meeting’ with some reservation.
I don't believe the invites have gone out yet. It will be interesting to see who gets invited.
I do agree that ordination of women is the big sticking issue at this point; certainly from the former Episcopal camp folks like Ilker wouldn't compromise on the issue, the question being whether the final construct will be one that those who left earlier can live with.
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