I loved everything except the bride and groom part.
Mary does NOT represent Israel. That’s a fig newton of somebody’s imagination. The bride of Christ is His church - which is comprised of saved Jews and the gentiles He has grafted into the new Israel.
For all those who have wondered why Yah'shua changed water into wine
when He could have just gone poof; the answer lies in NUMBERS 19.The water that Yah'shua changed was not the water we think of,
it was not drinking water. It was the water of purification as detailed in NUMBERS 19.The water of purification was used to remove sin under the old covenant.
By the act of changing the water of purification into wine, Yah'shua
ended the OT means of removing sin.
This is the beginning of the New covenant as outlined inf JEREMIAH 31:31Yah'shua by this miracle pointed to His power to remove sin.
Yah'shua demonstrated that He was greater than the ashes of the Red Heifer.
Later He would become the Pesach Lamb,
removing sin forever to all who would look to Him for salvation.b'Shem Yah'shua