Fact remains that he was never called a Jew "literally". But eh was called the father of many nations and even today everyone who believes in Jesus is considered the offspring of Abraham. I guess that makes us all Jews by your definition.
Abraham is considered the father of the Hebrew people and that is to whom he line of promises were made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and his 12 sons.
They were called Abraham's seed by Christ himself (Jn.8:37)
We are Abraham's spiritual heirs, since we have believed the way he did (Rom.4)
not his physical heirs.
The "dead phallus" line is intriguing. If Abraham had a "dead phallus" how was Ishmael conceived? I think you are confused about Sarahs barrenness.
Are you kidding me?
Abraham was over a hundred years old and Sarah 90, both were passed the age of conceiving children and that is why both laughed when told they would! (Gen.17-18).
Abraham submitted to circumcision in faith, believing that God would give him an heir from his own body.
Now, cut it out, you know that there are differences between Abel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Esther etc.
That “dead phallus” had no trouble conceiving a very unspiritual offspring with Hagar
Nope. Not at all. Says it right in the Bible.
"Abraham was ninety-nine years old when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin. And Ishmael his son was thirteen years old when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin." (Gen. 17:24,25)
So Abraham was already 86 when Ishmael was conceived. So his "phallus" was still working then.
But read a little earlier. "But Sarai was barren; she had no child." (Gen. 11:30)
Now if Abraham could concieve a child by Hagar, then his plumbing mast have been working fine in Gen. 16. But Sarai had no children in Gen. 11.
You do the math.