Jesus fulfilled the law ...
... and? That mean we think sex is evil, because we do the Churching of women?
And I'm noting a certain silence about Paul and the ministry of men here. What is the deal? You make a claim about Paul in attempted refutation of a point and I go to the text and find women and virgins being advised to stay single, and so we just kind of gloss over that?
Remember the thesis is that the advocacy of celibacy or virginity demonstrates conclusively that RCs think sex is evil or sinful. So I adduce the words of our Lord and of Paul the Apostle. Your the guys all over us for not finding stuff in Scripture, but when we do it just goes into the memory hole, and we move on to the Churching of wimmins?
ANd do we know what the rite is? I don't know how authoritative this site is, but here's what it says:
Churching is the woman's way of giving thanksgiving to God for the birth of her child, and predisposes her, through the priestly blessing that is a part of the ritual, to receive the graces necessary to raise her child in a manner pleasing to God.So the new covenant means we should stay away from giving thanks? What's so old covenant about giving thanks? fren't we told to give thanks all the time? What's so anti-sex about this rite?Know that Churching is not a "purification" ceremony, though it is imitative of the day, which we commemorate on 2 February (Candlemas), that Mary underwent her "purification" (ceremonially speaking and in obedience to the Old Law) and presented her Son in the Temple to Simeon.