I quite understand the concept between open threads and the Catholic Caucus label. What I do not understand is the POINT of attacks on a religious faith that has prevailed for centuries, nor the mocking, nastiness, and general rudeness of the tone of those attacks.
I do not consider this debate. I don’t like it, which is why I am not around here much anymore. Nothing is advanced, division is caused out of nothing more than spite, and in the process we have one more thing we can argue over while ignoring the danger of democrats running the country, Islamic terrorists killing our people, and Chinese infiltration of our political system.
There is more that brings Christians together than divides us, although one wouldn’t know it from reading this thread. While I respect the right of all to come onto this thread (since it isn’t protected) it seems to me that those who do could be a bit more courteous.
With that, I am leaving for quieter reading elsewhere.
Are your
with the big extended family
More raucus
more daintily polite?