“How do you get past the differences they have in what God is and how we should worship him?”
Those differences aren’t all that big, and in any event every one of them says go back to the Bible yourself to find the truth - there is a single reference point (and I know, the Catholics have the Apocrypha).
But Mormons have a real problem, your reference point is not the Book of Mormon, but Joseph Smith himself. If Joseph Smith turns out to be a cheap charlatan, your whole religion goes up in smoke, you aren’t faced with doctrinal disagreement, you are face with a massive collapse of faith.
That’s why Mormons are untrustworthy, so much is riding on proving Joseph Smith is right that you cannot accept even blatant overwhelming evidence of his being a grifter. This carries over into other areas of life, like politics.
Those differences arent all that big, and in any event every one of them says go back to the Bible yourself to find the truth - there is a single reference point (and I know, the Catholics have the Apocrypha).
And yet, the differences were big enough for me to declare myself a member of none of them back in the late sixties and earley seventies.
Part true, our reference point is Jesus, through Joseph Smith and today Jesus, through His Living Prophet.
If Joseph Smith turns out to be a cheap charlatan, your whole religion goes up in smoke, you arent faced with doctrinal disagreement, you are face with a massive collapse of faith.
Well, considering that you only believe in less than half of the New Testament, you would tend to be rather untrustworthy yourself.