~”...built on a foundation of fear and lies and deceit.”~
Acts 5:38-39:
38 And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought:
39 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.
The only question I have, is why do you continue to be obsessed with the evils of Mormonism? If the LDS Church is not exactly what it claims to be, it will flounder and fail with or without your help. If it is, then you are placing yourself in grave spiritual peril.
Obsess away, if you choose; it just grows my faith. But I cannot imagine what such a viewpoint must be like.
When Gamaliel made that comment before the Sanhedrin, he was referring to the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which the Jewish Sanhedrin sought to squelch because they were convinced the Rabbi Jesus was raised from the dead and that was what motivated Peter and the others to proclaim it so openly. He compared this new preaching to the zealot movements which had been squelched before by the Romans. Nearly two decades later these same Jews (well, many were still in the 70) killed James the 'brother' of Jesus for sticking to his claims of Jesus's resurrection and future return as Messiah. Would the poster have us believe that the advent of Joseph Smith was as significant as the resurrection of Jesus?
. . .
Come to think of it, perhaps he would, since Mormonism is based in a belief that without 'Christianity restored' through Joe Smith the believers in Christ for the previous 1700 years cannot enter into Heaven without Mormon proxy baptism for them!