“It is rather difficult to argue that St. Iraeneus isn’t saying souls aren’t immortal after they are created....I think Iraeneus if very clear that once God has created a soul, it exists forever.”
Boy, I don’t see where you reconcile what you and Boyce are saying with what +Iraeneus wrote about immortality being a gift from God to the holy. The souls of the wicked are not immortal. That is denied to them.
I take it by this answer that you believe the souls of the wicked are annihilated after this life; is that correct? What happens to them?
If you want ANOTHER church father I would suggest A Treatise on the Soul by Tertullian where he states:
For in this philosophy lie both their Æons and their genealogies. Thus, too, do they divide sensation, both into the intellectual powers from their spiritual seed, and the sensuous faculties from the animal, which cannot by any means comprehend spiritual things.
The truth is, the soul is indivisible, because it is immortal; (and this fact) compels us to believe that death itself is an indivisible process, accruing indivisibly to the soul, not indeed because it is immortal, but because it is indivisible.