It is not for us to deem which persons are saved and which are not. Instead, let's "work out our own salvation with fear and trembling" and allow others to do the same. Come Judgment Day, we may rest assured that His sheep will know His voice, and He theirs; "shall not the Judge of all the world do right?".
In the meantime, when it comes to questions of public policy and other Earthly affairs, let's leave aside our doctrinal disagreements and work together where we can. Catholics, Mormons, Baptists, and others may not agree theologically, but we damn sure can work together to defeat the evils of our society. Side by side we can attack abortion, euthanasia, divorce, adultery, and other corrupt practices; at each other's throats we only help the Enemy.
Are theological and doctrinal issues important? Yes, and by all means let's continue to debate our differences but always in a spirit of charity. I know it's hard to ignore these things we all believe so passionately, but when it comes to political and social affairs we must concentrate on results. After all, even if the Ku Klux Klan or the church of Satan picks up the litter on a certain stretch of highway, the important thing is that someone is picking up the litter. When it comes to politics and social issues, people of good will can agree to "pick up the litter" even if they agree on nothing else.
“I personally do not hold the LDS to be theologically Christian; nevertheless, there are no doubt many, many Mormons that are truly Christians”
I don’t get how you arrive at that conclusion. If following Mormonism results in an individual being Christian, how can it not be a Christian church?