To: restornu; Reaganesque; Rameumptom; Grig; sevenbak; Utah Girl; tantiboh; DanielLongo; ...
What part of "everlasting" is difficult?
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
Some honest-hearted reading of Hebrews, Ephesians, Colossians 1, John 1, and Isaiah 53 may be in order, for any who believe in any requirement for "progressive" revelation -- or that Jesus, Omnipotent God in Human Flesh didn't know "from the foundation of the world" just who he was, what he was doing, why he was doing it, and what the outcome would be.
"In Him all things hold together." Nothing else is necessary, when you have God.
113 posted on
07/15/2007 12:10:37 PM PDT by
(FReep Bill O'Reilly on Iraq!)
To: unspun; restornu; Enosh
I'm not sure I see where you are disagreeing with restornu here. If your argument is against current or "progressive" revelation (in your term) then are you suggesting that the Lord should have commanded Adam to not only offer sacrifice, but to build an ark, pay tithes to Melchizedek, lead the children of Israel out of Egypt, not enter into confederacy with Syria, build the temple, rebuild the temple, cry in the wilderness to prepare the way of the Lord, preach to the gentiles, etc.? The reason the Lord continues to reveal Himself and His will to his anointed servants is everyone has a place, a time, and a duty to perform. Of course there is continued revelation. Is this what you are arguing against?
193 posted on
07/16/2007 11:57:05 AM PDT by
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