This is what makes it so difficult in carrying on a dialog with some folks. You begin to realize that your arguments are secondary.....and your character and honesty are now the subject of rebuttal.
Excellent the way. I feel your pain!
This is what makes it so difficult in carrying on a dialog with some folks. You begin to realize that your arguments are secondary.....and your character and honesty are now the subject of rebuttal. Excellent the way. I feel your pain!
Well, so along with 'heretic' we can add hypocrite to your name.
It was you who posted that Sargon had in fact attacked a small city when he noted that he deported 27,000 people and my post was 'disingenuous'.
In fact,he had attacked the capital of Samaria, as is made clear by the scripture.
The only ones suffering any 'pain' are those who have to keep an eye open for you and your B.I. buddies who constantly post nothing but misinformation.