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To: fortheDeclaration
I never said that, I said that the Jews were dispersed and did not forget who they are.

That is your theory. That is also a consensus among certain interest groups, of which you must be one. You have no evidence for it, except a couple ambiguous New Testament passages which just as easily admit to at least one alternate interpretation. You have nothing else at all.

The presumption is that because nothing was heard of Israel as Israel (the name) they must have been wiped out, which gives lie to one of God's promises for them, and prophecies about them.

From the written history (about 23,000 translated tablets, cylinders and other forms) by the people who captured them, they most certainly will have forgotten who they are being place among other peoples. And they most certainly were in vast numbers.

From prior posts, you apparently don't know what "deported" means when applied to Assyrian conquered peoples.

Not hard to prove, they were all over and they were certainly dispersed after the fall of the Temple in 70AD. In the Book of Acts, Paul is going throughout his journey's to the 'Jew first, and then the Gentiles'.

First you haven't proved that the numbers of Israel were merged with the Jews. It is simply a presumption upon which you base speculation.

And the fall of the Temple in 70AD had what to do with the dispersal of Israel as Judah, specifically?

What does the passage of Paul's statement the Gospel is to be teached to the Jew first? You leave out his other words. He also said the good things would come to the Jew first for good behavior and bad things to the Jew first for bad behavior.

Had nothing to do with a journey. If you think so, post the passage and explain it. Remember, the line of Judah was to produce Jesus, so God gave them first pass, obviously.

You can place the interpretation you do on this passage only if you have a prior belief. Any passage, read in the light of a belief, can be shaded toward that belief.

So, Italy is part of Europe.

Yes. The most southern part of Italy, closest to Palestine. There is a lot more Europe.

They were also spread throughout the rest of Europe and Asia Minor as shown by the first chapter of Acts where the nations they came from are listed. No, that curse was made on all of the Hebrew people before the split in the Kingdoms. And it pertains to all of the 12 tribes.

What curse? I said," Your mistake is assuming that Israelites and Judah were one in the same peoples. That notion is not supportable. Beside other contrary facts, the fulfilling of Hosea and Ezekiel would have certainly been recorded, which fulfilling must have happened if, as you claim, Israel returned to Palestine and became "Jews"."

How does this statement apply?

The only difference is that they were split before the dispersion happened, first to the 10 tribes and then to the last 2 remaining tribes. All 12 tribes returned and were in Israel at the time of Christ and were dispersed again after the fall of the Temple in 70 AD and were not a nation again until 1948.

Israel disappeared into history as the name "Israelite". This assumption that is part of your own belief system. If they merged with Judah, they would have to have known who they were, or Judah would not have accepted them, as Judah is certainly aware to this day who they are.

The problems with the merging with Judah are many, numbers, Assyrian records, prophecy, God's promises to Israel, contrasted against a few passages in the New Testament that are ambiguous.

I keep asking for something to prove your assertion and each attempt I have been able to explain otherwise.

Do you folks (that subscribe to the consensus on your theory) make a habit of organizing your world view on convictions with so little evidence?

They will not be a Kingdom until the Millennial reign after the Tribulation occurs.

I think your distinction between the label for a group of people and the group of people themselves is laughable. Having to use such reasoning usually means you going down the wrong path.

The Millennium is clearly stated in those verses that were given to you. You just want to deny what you read which refutes your heretical, idiotic theological view. But why let the facts get in the way of a good fable!

There has been nowhere that you have produced any evidence that the prophecies of Hosea and Ezekiel have anything to do with the Millennium.

Matter of fact, you, or anyone else, knows nothing of the physical manifestation of what is called "Millennium". Remember, the Jews had, and have, a fixed idea of what the appearance of the Messiah would be and their viewpoint led them to reject the Master when He actually came.

No Israelites were in those areas that did not know they were Jews. Stop making up history.

Short answer amounting to a statement with no support. Only your belief otherwise makes that statement. Israelites had over 6 centuries to migrate into those regions, and there are records made at the time that indicate they were headed that way.

You have zero evidence and no presumption of anything like that happening, not from history, not from prophecy, not from anything in the New Testament. And to keep repeating a lie doesn't make it a truth. No Israelites moved anywhere after the Assyrian captivity except in your fantasy world.

History: Assyrian records, 23,000 of them. Prophecy: Hosea and Ezekiel, yet to be fulfilled and obviously not to be applied to a spiritual realm only and do not in any way imply that Christ will be the head of the reunited Judah and Israel. New Testament: clear passages, already posted to you, mentioning the House of Israel as present in the region, but not among the Jews.

They were either assimilated into the surrounding people or they were joined with the Southern tribes and became intermingled with them and became known as Jews as well.

I agree a portion were assimilated into the surrounding people, specifically the Medians. The Assyrian tablets were clear about that. Records were also clear about a portion migrating northward toward Europe. That was 600 years before the birth of Christ. How much multiplication can occur in 600 years?

But you miss an obvious fact. Even those assimilated with the Medians will still carry the line of Abraham, the covenant, and God's promises thereto.

Ofcourse there is, they were in Israel when the Lord was there and Peter addresses them in Acts 2 as the House of Israel. James sends out an epistle to the 12 tribes. There is alot more evidence of there assimilation then your myth of the tribes roaming to Europe and then forgetting that they are Hebrews!

We have already discussed the passages that you're talking about. Nowhere in those passages is the statement that the House of Israel was there in Palestine, or Rome and Greece, for that matter. the references always distinguish Judah from Israel, never Israel included with Judah.

If you look at a map of the ancient world, you will see all this occurred in a relatively tight region. Only the lack of speedy communication in that day prevented detail from being known, but the essential events would have been known. Jesus refereed to the "lost sheep" of the House of Israel. Judah was right there in front of Him and they weren't "lost".

James would have certainly been aware of their existence, as Jesus did direct His disciple to also go to them. But they certainly weren't refereed to as Jews. The southern kingdom and the northern kingdom were captured distinct from one another and remained distinct from one another until Hosea is fulfilled.

Why should I ask any Jew anything since he cannot know what tribe he is from. He has no records to tell him. All the genealogical records were destroyed.

Then try to ask one and see what he says. Like I said, I have two friends that know which tribe they are from and they are quite sure. I have one from Levi that has family records kept since the return to Palestine.

Ask one then tell him he can't possible know and see what he presents you with. Until you do that, your claim is mere rhetoric.

And there is nothing to indicate that they did not know who they were either.

You claim the Jews don't know who they were and their lineage.

So, if those tribes were in the Roman Empire (which they were) they were intermingled as a people, not as a separate entity, with differing tribes.

The Jews remained then and remain to this day separate from any people they find themselves among.

No, go and look it up, you are clearly intellectually a very lazy person.

You make the claims, you present the evidence.

The writer of this history is either a very lazy person or you have not read what he said.

It means all the people of the city, which totalled only 27,000. We have already seen that the army had been whittled down to only 10,000 men in an earlier chapter. The Northern Kingdom was a shell of itself when it was finally dispersed, it did not number in the millions as you conjure up in your fertile imagination.

Are you aware that deportations over the 25 years or so of the Assyrian occupation of the lands of the northern kingdom were of dissenters only, to other lands to separate them from their home folk? The majority were kept in their land to work it and make tribute the the Assyrian king.

This was a policy of Tiglath-pileser III. Did your professor mention any of this?

You professor cites about 27,000 deported from a capital in the region. Does he mention how many were left to till the fields? 27,000 were be the trouble makers, a small percentage of the total Israelite population in that one place.

Then of those deported and placed among the Medians and 4 generation to replenish their numbers. Between the time of the final destruction of the Assyrian empire and the birth of Christ was over 6 centuries, after mortal threats posed by the Assyrians.

Lots of babies can be born in 6 centuries.

Did I say that the 10 tribes were wiped out? They still exist, as Jews.

Yes, you did. For the Israelites to have been so few so that their numbers would have no increased the number of Judah in Palestine and the surrounding environs, they would have had to have been wiped out.

I'm sure that the notion of all Israelites being Jews today is very convenient and attractive to certain agendas, it ignores much historical records and Biblical references, both Old and New Testaments.

You have not provided any facts to anything. As for calling names, if you want to keep posting nonsense and reject the truth, that is what you deserve, rebuke and ridicule.

Oh, but I have. From records of the players at the time it happened. You still haven't come up with anything to refute Hosea and Ezekiel, except to try to push the reunion so far into the future, and under condition described in total symbolism, that such a reunion would violate the clear words in those prophecies.

What you, and those who subscribe to that same consensus, see as truth. Last I looked a consensus on anything does nto qualify as truth (I might note the Sun revolving around the Earth was a consensus). So you are nasty merely because of a theory.

He did alot more research then you ever did. He actually has historical evidence. And you have-your opinion!

Either he certainly didn't peruse the Assyrian writings, or you didn't give him a close read. As indicated above.

How hard is it to look up an old post. Look it up.

How hard is it to types "yes" or "no". You are being unreasonable and petty, it seems. I should read through all these words you posted to each other when it would take pressing two keys?

Is this the spirit with which you are making your other case?

I know the tactics of you bunch of frauds.

What is "our" tactics. You are hanging off a consensus opinion with no evidence in the face of written evidence the other way, and you call that supported by those records a "fraud"?

Too many real frauds have been perpetrated among people and have become the status quo. History is littered with them. I don't think you have guilty knowledge, just have been conditioned into a certain belief system before you were shown evidence for it.

665 posted on 08/30/2007 9:38:49 AM PDT by William Terrell (Individuals can exist without government but government can't exist without individuals.)
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To: William Terrell
Tom: Dave, a little background, did this idea come from, you know as we know, the kingdom of Israel was really divided after Solomon, Rehoboam his son just wouldn’t do, wouldn’t follow the council of the elders, good council that he was given, and God raised up Jeroboam, and Israel was split into the Northern kingdom and the Southern kingdom.

The two tribes of the Southern kingdom would be Judah and Benjamin, and then the 10 of the Northern kingdom, isn’t that really what it’s referring to? Their dispersion, I mean, that’s where we get the term, Samaritans, from. Those of Syria were intermingled with the Jews to some degree, and the Jews were taken out of that land, for the most part. So, isn’t that where the idea basically comes from?

Dave: It’s where the idea comes from but it’s not God’s idea, and He did not divide them, man divided them. And the point I’m making is that although they are under His judgment now, scattered everywhere, not just the 10 tribes, but everybody is scattered, that He promised that He would preserve them, and in the last days would bring them back into their land. And Jesus promised that his disciples would sit on 12 thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel. So, if 10 of them are lost, then the Bible isn’t true, and as you said, God must be 100% true, so this is very serious. So, if 10 tribes are really lost, then God’s a liar, and Jesus is a liar. Now, what about it? What does the Bible say? See, this is a myth, as you said, it comes out of the idea, well, because there were 10 tribes carried away by the Assyrians, that therefore they never came back. Now that’s a joke! Of course they came back.

Tom: And this is a teaching sometimes referred to as British Israelism. Who was it, World Wide Church of God, I believe taught it, and others?

Dave: Right, and the white races are the Jews, we’re the 10 lost tribes. Now, again, that is some kind of a joke, Tom.

We’re not the 10 lost tribes, obviously. If we are, Wow! we have really exploded, and these 10 tribes have practically taken over the world because the European, the white people, I mean, go up into Scandinavia, and all over, it simply isn’t true.... So, it makes nonsense of the Bible, okay. But if we went to, for example, went to 2 Chronicles Chapter 30, it will tell you it’s not too many years after they were carried away into Assyria that they started coming back, and you’ve got a lot of them back there. I mean, how are you going to keep these Jews out of their land? They’re not in irons, they are not having their legs shackled, and so forth. So, they got back.

Now, if you went a few more chapters, 2 Chronicles 34, the revival, the Passover, under Josiah, 7 of the tribes are named as participating in this. They are rebuilding the Temple, they are getting donations, you know, offerings from all of these tribes, and out they go to these various tribes they are named.

So, they are not lost! I don’t know why that myth has stuck around so persistently! But that’s the way with many myths....

675 posted on 08/31/2007 4:28:49 AM PDT by fortheDeclaration (We must beat the Democrats or the country will be ruined! - Lincoln)
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To: William Terrell
[Inever said that, I said that the Jews were dispersed and did not forget who they are.]

That is your theory. That is also a consensus among certain interest groups, of which you must be one. You have no evidence for it, except a couple ambiguous New Testament passages which just as easily admit to at least one alternate interpretation. You have nothing else at all.

I have history and the New Testament, as well as the Old Testament prophecies that state that the Jews would be dispersed as part of their judgment.

Interest groups?

The presumption is that because nothing was heard of Israel as Israel (the name) they must have been wiped out, which gives lie to one of God's promises for them, and prophecies about them.

No one said that the Israelites were wiped out, only that they reunited with the Southern tribes as individuals and thus, still exist and are known today collectively as Jews.

From the written history (about 23,000 translated tablets, cylinders and other forms) by the people who captured them, they most certainly will have forgotten who they are being place among other peoples. And they most certainly were in vast numbers.

Two more assumptions you have made you cannot prove.

One, that they forgot who they were, when it is possible they kept their traditions alive and eventually returned to the Land on an individual basis.

We see former Assyrian lands mentioned in the 2nd chapter of Acts.

Two, that there were alot of them, considering when their capital city of Samaria fell, it only had 27,000 people in it.

So, once again, your theory is full of assumptions that you cannot prove.

From prior posts, you apparently don't know what "deported" means when applied to Assyrian conquered peoples.

I know what deported means by the Assyrian, it means putting them into a land very much the land they left so they could more easily assimilate.

[ Not hard to prove, they were all over and they were certainly dispersed after the fall of the Temple in 70AD. In the Book of Acts, Paul is going throughout his journey's to the 'Jew first, and then the Gentiles'. ]

First you haven't proved that the numbers of Israel were merged with the Jews. It is simply a presumption upon which you base speculation. And the fall of the Temple in 70AD had what to do with the dispersal of Israel as Judah, specifically? What does the passage of Paul's statement the Gospel is to be teached to the Jew first? You leave out his other words. He also said the good things would come to the Jew first for good behavior and bad things to the Jew first for bad behavior.

First, the fact is that many of the Israelites had returned to Israel as shown by passages in 2Chro. and the fact that Anna of the tribe of Assar was present in Lk 2.

Second, the fall of Jerusalem led to those same Jews being dispersed throughout all of the Roman Empire as slaves.

Third, there was no need for the entire quote, since the point of the quote was that Paul was going to Jews throughout his missionary journeys that entailed the vast Roman Empire.

Had nothing to do with a journey. If you think so, post the passage and explain it. Remember, the line of Judah was to produce Jesus, so God gave them first pass, obviously.

Again, the point is that the Jews/Israelites were scattered throughout Europe.

You can place the interpretation you do on this passage only if you have a prior belief. Any passage, read in the light of a belief, can be shaded toward that belief.

Well, if anyone should know that it would be you and the rest of those who believe your goofy theory!

[ So, Italy is part of Europe. ]

Yes. The most southern part of Italy, closest to Palestine. There is a lot more Europe.


Jews were in Italy and they were in all parts of Europe as well, including Britain, which was part of the Roman Empire.

[ They were also spread throughout the rest of Europe and Asia Minor as shown by the first chapter of Acts where the nations they came from are listed. No, that curse was made on all of the Hebrew people before the split in the Kingdoms. And it pertains to all of the 12 tribes.]

What curse? I said," Your mistake is assuming that Israelites and Judah were one in the same peoples. That notion is not supportable. Beside other contrary facts, the fulfilling of Hosea and Ezekiel would have certainly been recorded, which fulfilling must have happened if, as you claim, Israel returned to Palestine and became "Jews"."

The curse put on them in Deut, long before they were split into two separate kingdoms.

How does this statement apply

[ The only difference is that they were split before the dispersion happened, first to the 10 tribes and then to the last 2 remaining tribes. All 12 tribes returned and were in Israel at the time of Christ and were dispersed again after the fall of the Temple in 70 AD and were not a nation again until 1948. ]

Israel disappeared into history as the name "Israelite". This assumption that is part of your own belief system. If they merged with Judah, they would have to have known who they were, or Judah would not have accepted them, as Judah is certainly aware to this day who they are.

There is no assumption, it is based on fact and Biblical history.

The only one with assumptions is you who cannot understand history and the Bible.

Those 10 tribes were back in Israel after the deportation as seen by Anna being there and the House of Israel being mentioned by both the Lord and Peter.

The problems with the merging with Judah are many, numbers, Assyrian records, prophecy, God's promises to Israel, contrasted against a few passages in the New Testament that are ambiguous.

No, the problem is that you are ignorant of any numbers (you do not know how many Israelites ended up in Assyria), ignorant of Assyrian records (you did not know of Sargan's record of only 27,000 being deported from the Captial of Samaria) and God's promises which state that the Kingdom will be reunited, and it will be, and they will be of the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, not any other race.

I keep asking for something to prove your assertion and each attempt I have been able to explain otherwise. Do you folks (that subscribe to the consensus on your theory) make a habit of organizing your world view on convictions with so little evidence?

You have zero evidence for your theory.

All you know for a fact is the the 10 tribes were deported to Assyria.

Now, name a single other fact that you can cite!

You do not know how many.

You have no prove that those tribes went anywhere as tribes.

Your entire theory is simply a figment of someones imagination.

[ They will not be a Kingdom until the Millennial reign after the Tribulation occurs. ]

I think your distinction between the label for a group of people and the group of people themselves is laughable. Having to use such reasoning usually means you going down the wrong path.

I think your inability to distinguish between simple concepts reveals a childlike intelligence.

[ The Millennium is clearly stated in those verses that were given to you. You just want to deny what you read which refutes your heretical, idiotic theological view. But why let the facts get in the way of a good fable! ]

There has been nowhere that you have produced any evidence that the prophecies of Hosea and Ezekiel have anything to do with the Millennium.

Ofcourse they do, they show when Hosea prophecies will be fulfilled.

The House of Israel cannot be as the sands of the sea, 2/3 of them get destroyed in the Tribulation-you remember the Tribulation-Jacobs trouble (Jer.30:7).

Note the word Jacob, referring to all of the 12 tribes, not just the tribe of Judah.

Matter of fact, you, or anyone else, knows nothing of the physical manifestation of what is called "Millennium". Remember, the Jews had, and have, a fixed idea of what the appearance of the Messiah would be and their viewpoint led them to reject the Master when He actually came.

The Millennial reign is very clearly depicted in Isaiah.

All of Israel had a view of what the Messiah would be like and it was a conquerer to bring in the Millennial reign, not a suffering saviour.

That is why they were looking for a King and not a saviour dying for the sins of the world.

[ No Israelites were in those areas that did not know they were Jews. Stop making up history. ]

Short answer amounting to a statement with no support. Only your belief otherwise makes that statement. Israelites had over 6 centuries to migrate into those regions, and there are records made at the time that indicate they were headed that way.

No, history backs up my view as well as the Bible, with both Christ and Peter referring to the House of Israel.

It is you who have no support for your assumptions and myths.

[ You have zero evidence and no presumption of anything like that happening, not from history, not from prophecy, not from anything in the New Testament. And to keep repeating a lie doesn't make it a truth. No Israelites moved anywhere after the Assyrian captivity except in your fantasy world. ]

,I> History: Assyrian records, 23,000 of them. Prophecy: Hosea and Ezekiel, yet to be fulfilled and obviously not to be applied to a spiritual realm only and do not in any way imply that Christ will be the head of the reunited Judah and Israel. New Testament: clear passages, already posted to you, mentioning the House of Israel as present in the region, but not among the Jews.

There is not a single Assyrian record that states that those 10 tribes moved anywhere.

Now, if you have such a record produce it or stop citing it as a source for something that is false.

I have cited two published historians, one on the history of Assyria which states that those 10 tribes assimilated into the surrounding culture.

Only individuals from those tribes returned to the Land.

As for Hosea, the reading of it is for a future event, when the Israelites will be reunited to the to other 2 tribes in the Millennial reign.

We know this by seeing those tribes listed in the inheritance given in Ezek.48.

So, you are just misreading Hosea, as you do the rest of the Bible.

[ They were either assimilated into the surrounding people or they were joined with the Southern tribes and became intermingled with them and became known as Jews as well. ]

I agree a portion were assimilated into the surrounding people, specifically the Medians. The Assyrian tablets were clear about that. Records were also clear about a portion migrating northward toward Europe. That was 600 years before the birth of Christ. How much multiplication can occur in 600 years?

You have no records of any of the Tribes migrating anywhere-so stop your lying!

But you miss an obvious fact. Even those assimilated with the Medians will still carry the line of Abraham, the covenant, and God's promises thereto.

No, it will be those who are in the lind of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that will receive the promises.

If some individuals have that racial lineage, then and only then can they be considered in the line of the Hebrew Promises.

All others are Gentiles.

[ Ofcourse there is, they were in Israel when the Lord was there and Peter addresses them in Acts 2 as the House of Israel. James sends out an epistle to the 12 tribes. There is alot more evidence of there assimilation then your myth of the tribes roaming to Europe and then forgetting that they are Hebrews! ]

We have already discussed the passages that you're talking about. Nowhere in those passages is the statement that the House of Israel was there in Palestine, or Rome and Greece, for that matter. the references always distinguish Judah from Israel, never Israel included with Judah.

Hey- it is to the 12 tribes!

What part of the 12 tribes do you not understand?

If you look at a map of the ancient world, you will see all this occurred in a relatively tight region. Only the lack of speedy communication in that day prevented detail from being known, but the essential events would have been known. Jesus refereed to the "lost sheep" of the House of Israel. Judah was right there in front of Him and they weren't "lost".

They were 'lost' in the sense they were -without their sheperd!

And that was for all of the 12 tribes of Israel, not just Judah.

Once again, your inability to understand simple English is showing.

James would have certainly been aware of their existence, as Jesus did direct His disciple to also go to them. But they certainly weren't refereed to as Jews. The southern kingdom and the northern kingdom were captured distinct from one another and remained distinct from one another until Hosea is fulfilled.

And once again, James did not write to the 10 tribes, he wrote to the 12 tribes, and thus, he knew where they were, they spread throughout the Roman Empire-as Jews.

[ Why should I ask any Jew anything since he cannot know what tribe he is from. He has no records to tell him. All the genealogical records were destroyed. ]

Then try to ask one and see what he says. Like I said, I have two friends that know which tribe they are from and they are quite sure. I have one from Levi that has family records kept since the return to Palestine.

There are no official records.

There is DNA testing, but there are no official records.

Ask one then tell him he can't possible know and see what he presents you with. Until you do that, your claim is mere rhetoric.

No my claim is based on fact.

The reason that no one can tell for sure what tribe he is from is because the records were destroyed in Jerusalem and those that survived, later in Alexandria Egypt.

That is why no one can claim any lineage for the Kingship from the tribe of Judah, there are no records to support that claim.

No, many Jews from the tribe of Levi did take the name of Cohn, so they would know what lineage they are based on that last name, but not on the basis of any official records.

[ And there is nothing to indicate that they did not know who they were either. ]

You claim the Jews don't know who they were and their lineage.

I claim that they know that they are Jews, but do not know their particular tribes (with the exception of the Levi's).

Try to grasp the difference.

[ So, if those tribes were in the Roman Empire (which they were) they were intermingled as a people, not as a separate entity, with differing tribes. ]

The Jews remained then and remain to this day separate from any people they find themselves among.

Yes, many do, but not always.

Before the Nazi Holocaust, the Jews were losing their own identity by intermarrying with the Germans.

[ No, go and look it up, you are clearly intellectually a very lazy person. ]

You make the claims, you present the evidence.

I have prevented more evidence in one post then you have in all of yours combined.

All your posts are based on conjecture, not a fact in them.

The writer of this history is either a very lazy person or you have not read what he said.

Well, he said what I said, and it refutes your entire false theory which is based on hot air.

[ It means all the people of the city, which totaled only 27,000. We have already seen that the army had been whittled down to only 10,000 men in an earlier chapter. The Northern Kingdom was a shell of itself when it was finally dispersed, it did not number in the millions as you conjure up in your fertile imagination. ]

Are you aware that deportations over the 25 years or so of the Assyrian occupation of the lands of the northern kingdom were of dissenters only, to other lands to separate them from their home folk? The majority were kept in their land to work it and make tribute the the Assyrian king.

And that would support my view, not yours!

If most of those tribes were left in the land, then there were not millions deported and thus, it would have been easy for individuals of those tribes to make their way back to the land.

This was a policy of Tiglath-pileser III. Did your professor mention any of this?

Yes, he explains the deportations very clearly.

You professor cites about 27,000 deported from a capital in the region. Does he mention how many were left to till the fields? 27,000 were be the trouble makers, a small percentage of the total Israelite population in that one place.

No, Sargon is referring to the captives he took from the Captial city.

So, your intention to get around that number is futile.

Whent that city fell it had only 27,000 people left in it.

Then of those deported and placed among the Medians and 4 generation to replenish their numbers. Between the time of the final destruction of the Assyrian empire and the birth of Christ was over 6 centuries, after mortal threats posed by the Assyrians.

Well, that is nice fantasy history.

Any actual prove?

The deportation occurred in 1Ki.17 and that is the only recorded instance of the deportation.

But it is true many were left in the Land as seen by them going to the South-so your theory is defeated and shown to be nonsense by your own admission.

Lots of babies can be born in 6 centuries.

Yes, and they were born in the land of Israel as well and came to known as Jews.

So all 12 tribes were in the Land when the Lord arrived-by your own admission.

[ Did I say that the 10 tribes were wiped out? They still exist, as Jews. ]

Yes, you did. For the Israelites to have been so few so that their numbers would have no increased the number of Judah in Palestine and the surrounding environs, they would have had to have been wiped out.

What the heck are you babbling about?

The Israelites who went South increased and became known as Jews.

That is how Anna from the tribe of Assar go there.

Your reasoning ability is fatally flawed.

I'm sure that the notion of all Israelites being Jews today is very convenient and attractive to certain agendas, it ignores much historical records and Biblical references, both Old and New Testaments.

No, your theory is the one without any historical evidence and Biblical basis.

As you said, the Israelites were left in the land.

What people the Assyrians did deport did not constitute the majority and thus, the Israelites would have been in the Land when Christ came.

[ You have not provided any facts to anything. As for calling names, if you want to keep posting nonsense and reject the truth, that is what you deserve, rebuke and ridicule. ]

Oh, but I have. From records of the players at the time it happened. You still haven't come up with anything to refute Hosea and Ezekiel, except to try to push the reunion so far into the future, and under condition described in total symbolism, that such a reunion would violate the clear words in those prophecies.

You have not come up with a single fact supporting any exodus that left Assryia and went into Europe.

You are lying through your teeth about Assyrian records saying they did-and you know it.

The prophecies will happen in the future, since the House of Israel, is not yet as the 'sand of the seas' because they are intermingled with the other 2 tribes.

So, try actually providing a single fact to show any actual departure from Assyria by those tribes, which you have no admitted did not make up the majority of the members of the tribes.

Anyone who would say that the Israelites left for Europe before Moses went out of Egypt has a screw loose!

What you, and those who subscribe to that same consensus, see as truth. Last I looked a consensus on anything does nto qualify as truth (I might note the Sun revolving around the Earth was a consensus). So you are nasty merely because of a theory.

Well, since you have no facts to support your nonsense, your theory is simply a myth, and does not even rate to be considered a theory.

[ He did alot more research then you ever did. He actually has historical evidence. And you have-your opinion! ]

Either he certainly didn't peruse the Assyrian writings, or you didn't give him a close read. As indicated above.

He is an expert in Assyrian history, so he, unlike you, actually know the records.

[ How hard is it to look up an old post. Look it up. ]

How hard is it to types "yes" or "no". You are being unreasonable and petty, it seems. I should read through all these words you posted to each other when it would take pressing two keys?

Like I said, look it up.

Is this the spirit with which you are making your other case?

I know the spirit in which you are posting, so stop pretending otherwise.

[ I know the tactics of you bunch of frauds. ]

What is "our" tactics. You are hanging off a consensus opinion with no evidence in the face of written evidence the other way, and you call that supported by those records a "fraud"?

You have no records that support you and stop lying about it!

There is not a single Assyrian record that says a single word about any Israelites leaving Assyria and you know it.

So your tactics are misinformation and lies!

And don't post me about the Assyrian record that has the Israelites in Northern Assyria and having on the garb of the Priesthood.

I want the location of the record that states that the Israelites left the area.

Too many real frauds have been perpetrated among people and have become the status quo. History is littered with them. I don't think you have guilty knowledge, just have been conditioned into a certain belief system before you were shown evidence for it.

What is littered throughout history are frauds and liars like yourself, who make claims without any actual facts to back them up and then rewrite history to make it fit their own warped, distorted view of it.

677 posted on 08/31/2007 5:49:04 AM PDT by fortheDeclaration (We must beat the Democrats or the country will be ruined! - Lincoln)
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To: William Terrell
Regarding your assertion regarding any evidence that the 10 tribes left Assyria and that is in their records,

It is noteworthy that the Israelites taken by the Assyrians from Samaria to the Habur district of north-west Mesopotamia and to north-west Iran (the cities of the Medes) (2Ki.17:6) appear to have been assimilated completely since we hear no more of them. (The Might that Was Assyria, H.W.F. Saggs. (1984), pg.263).

So, stop spreading misinformation by saying that there any Assyrian tablets saying that the Israelites migrated anywhere.

You know there aren't.

678 posted on 08/31/2007 6:45:25 AM PDT by fortheDeclaration (We must beat the Democrats or the country will be ruined! - Lincoln)
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To: All
Regarding Hosea 1:10-11,

Lest there be any question as to the greater covenant of God to Israel, He now fortells their future restoration and blessing. Though the northern kingdom was about to be removed from their land, yet the day was coming (in the Millennium) when their prosperity would be numberless. That undoubtedly refers to the greater posterity of Israel in Christ. Though God would temporarily disown Israel because of their sin, the day would come when they again would be called sons of God....In the coming restoration and regathering of Israel, both divisions thereof-Judah and the northern kingdom-will be reunited as one nation. They will have as their head, their Messiah, Jesus Christ....that day is yet to come. (Understanding the Bible, David H.Sorenson, Minor Prophets, pg.154)

The Ryrie Study bible writes in its footnote,

Having predicted judgment, Hosea assured the people of their ultimate restoration, numerically and spiritually. Jezreel, a place of judgment in verse 4, is viewed in verse 11 as place where God will bless Israel during the Kingdom age.

Bullinger writes in his footnote,

children-not fulfilled in any other People, now, but will yet be in the future of Israel

Hosea 1:10-11 refer to the future regathering and repopulation of both Houses, the House of Israel and the House of Judah

EZEK 37:15 The word of the LORD came again unto me, saying,

EZEK 37:16 Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it, For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions: then take another stick, and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim and for all the house of Israel his companions:

EZEK 37:17 And join them one to another into one stick; and they shall become one in thine hand.

EZEK 37:18 And when the children of thy people shall speak unto thee, saying, Wilt thou not shew us what thou meanest by these?

EZEK 37:19 Say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his fellows, and will put them with him, even with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in mine hand.

EZEK 37:20 And the sticks whereon thou writest shall be in thine hand before their eyes.

EZEK 37:21 And say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land:

EZEK 37:22 And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all.

EZEK 37:23 Neither shall they defile themselves any more with their idols, nor with their detestable things, nor with any of their transgressions: but I will save them out of all their dwellingplaces, wherein they have sinned, and will cleanse them: so shall they be my people, and I will be their God.

EZEK 37:24 And David my servant shall be king over them; and they all shall have one shepherd: they shall also walk in my judgments, and observe my statutes, and do them.

EZEK 37:25 And they shall dwell in the land that I have given unto Jacob my servant, wherein your fathers have dwelt; and they shall dwell therein, even they, and their children, and their children's children for ever: and my servant David shall be their prince for ever.

EZEK 37:26 Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.

EZEK 37:27 My tabernacle also shall be with them: yea, I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

EZEK 37:28 And the heathen shall know that I the LORD do sanctify Israel, when my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore.

680 posted on 08/31/2007 9:02:25 AM PDT by fortheDeclaration (We must beat the Democrats or the country will be ruined! - Lincoln)
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