If those writings are not of the men who wrote the Bible, then just exactly what has she been led to believe about the patriarchs??? Which of them heard anything from the very mouth of Christ???
I began to familiarize myself with the culture and time of the Apostles and realized that Christianity in its earliest days was not Bible centered (indeed most of the NT was not written yet and later was not available for the masses) but Tradition centered.
Yep --- she's been fully indoctrinated in the faith --- she has the jargon down --- hurry up and baptize her before she wakes up.
I learned that when the early Christians went to Church their services were not sermon centered but centered around the Eucharist, the Lords Supper, which was not seen as a symbol but as the actual Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
But that must have been only in those churches that only had Tradition, because those churches that had Bibles would have known that the "Soul" and "Divinity" part is nowhere in the Bible. Maybe a sermon or two on that in her new faith wouldn' hurt.
That's just what I wondered. Do you suppose she really believes that? Maybe this is what they're trying to sell now -- that this is written somewhere deep in the vaults of the Vatican Library.
Or will be one day.
Amen. Amazing how it's all there in Scripture for those with ears to hear.
Did you hear Christ, when he said to the men he commissioned, "Who hears you, hears me"? (Luke 10:16)