What substance? Where?
It's the same old stupid nonsense. Easter is "steeped in paganism" and "invented by the church to replace Passover".
Easter is Passover, in most languages. The words are the same. Why should Christians observe the Jewish Passover ritual, which points toward events that were fulfilled on Calvary and on Easter (there it is again) morning 2000 years ago? Do you guys not understand the Epistle to the Hebrews? Don't you think Passover pointed forward toward something, or do you think we ought to celebrate Passover just because Jesus did? (Should we get circumcised also, or keep kosher? Jesus did!) Doesn't Jesus' own work mean anything, or signify anything? Ought we not to celebrate that? Isn't that what Passover ought really to be about, for Christians?
The Babylonian stuff is just ahistorical sillyness. There's plenty of evidence for a period of fasting and preparation by the catechumens in the early church before their baptism at Easter, and none at all for anything like that being imported from Babylon.
When you post garbage like this, in particular the Babylonian garbage, you are breaking the commandment "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Did you realize that? According the James, if you break one part of the law, you break it all. All of your Sabbath keeping and Passover observance is nullified if you break God's commandment against bearing false witness.
Here is an article which presents the truth about the origin of Lent.
Perhaps, because God ordained it in [Leviticus 23]..... "Forever and in all your generations"? (verse 14) You, of course, will never find any such instructions to observe a heathen "Lent"!
It has never been "just" a Jewish celebration. It was also given to the other eleven tribes of Israel. (verse 1)
All of your Sabbath keeping and Passover observance is nullified if you break God's commandment against bearing false witness.
If it's okay to break the fourth commandment, why should you be concerned about the others?