I don't want to be misunderstood here because of my poor choice of words. When I wrote First Person, I meant that Christ is the first person they run to in prayer.
About a month ago, I had to take my Mom to Roswell for a checkup. I got caught in a traffic jam that caused me to be 45 minutes late. I'm always on time, so my parents started to panic. When I walked in the door, my Father started crying and thanking Jesus that I was safe. Four hours later when I returned from Roswell, he was still praying to Our Lord and crying. When I used to come home from college, he would wait for me at the end of the driveway, with tears in his eyes. I expected everyone to love me like that. Pretty stupid, huh?
Think how fortunate you are. So many people never know that love. 8~)
When I used to come home from college, he would wait for me at the end of the driveway, with tears in his eyes. I expected everyone to love me like that. Pretty stupid, huh?
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What a marvelous treasure and prep for the Love of Father God.
Doesn't sound like there's any chance of any REACTIVE ATTACHMENT DISORDER in your life! Congrats.
Am envious. Though at peace with the route God had for me.