Very interesting account by Babyblue. Relation to TJ are not limited to Virginians, I am a first cousin, many times removed via Tennessee and Arkansas.
The Anglican church in Wiesbaden, Germany is under joint dominion of the Bishop of London (as a mission church) and the American Church in Europe. The church was established by the Duke of Hesse in respect of the British expats living in Wiesbaden during the Victorian era. During WWI, the rector locked the church, turned the key over to the local German authorities. They returned the church in perfect condition at war's end. The Nazis were not so kind, they used the church as a garage for Gestapo motorcycles and the 8th Air Force put a bomb through the roof. When the Air Force put their headquarters at Wiesbaden, the church joined the American Church in Europe, but remained with the Bishop of London as well.
The Rev. Martin Neimoller was both a member and Vestryman of this church. Nice man, but might be said to be the founder of this secular humanist downturn through his leadership of the World Council of Churches.
Interesting. Thanks!