"O Lord, blot out my sins
O Master, pardon my iniquities,
O Holy One, visit and heal my infirmities
For Your Name's sake."
To my mind, that addresses three different aspects of sin: the way my sins wound others (please blot the harm I've done to my fellow man), the way they hurt my relationship with God (please forgive me and let me approach You again), and the way they weaken and sick my own heart and make me "infirm" (please heal my inmost heart.)
I also believe that God does NOT simply cover our inner dung-heap with a mantle of snow, but actually gets into us and makes us beautiful. He plants love in us; then when He looks, He finds it blossoming there.
So we can say, not "I am disgusting, but he loves me because he loves disgusting things," but "He sees something lovable in me! He looks at me and is delighted! I am actually lovable!"
Beautifully said, Mrs. Dono. And I greatly appreciate your comments, too, Kolokotronis.