If you are Catholic, then you should be aware of the teachings of the Church with regard to all aspects of reproductive health. In the case of 'donor insemination', the Church says,
Because the ultimate personal expression of conjugal love in the marital act is viewed as the only fitting context for the human sharing of the divine act of creation, donor insemination and insemination that is totally artificial are morally objectionable. However, help may be given to a normally performed conjugal act to attain its purpose. The use of the sex faculty outside the legitimate use by married partners is never permitted even for medical or other laudable purpose, e.g., masturbation as a means of obtaining seminal specimens.
The official teaching is contained in the encyclical Humanae Vitae
Neither is it valid to argue, as a justification for sexual intercourse which is deliberately contraceptive, that a lesser evil is to be preferred to a greater one, or that such intercourse would merge with procreative acts of past and future to form a single entity, and so be qualified by exactly the same moral goodness as these. Though it is true that sometimes it is lawful to tolerate a lesser moral evil in order to avoid a greater evil or in order to promote a greater good," it is never lawful, even for the gravest reasons, to do evil that good may come of it (18)in other words, to intend directly something which of its very nature contradicts the moral order, and which must therefore be judged unworthy of man, even though the intention is to protect or promote the welfare of an individual, of a family or of society in general. Consequently, it is a serious error to think that a whole married life of otherwise normal relations can justify sexual intercourse which is deliberately contraceptive and so intrinsically wrong.
Otherwise, we would have more childless married people.
You begin by mentioning 'childless married people'. That is not the case in either of the two stories above. Donor insemination is a popular procedure for women who choose not to marry and for lesbians who lack the ability to reproduce. In both situations, the procedure was used to satisfy personal greed.
Should we deprive them of the chance to be parents? I am not sure if that is the best answer.
There are literally millions of abandoned children in the world. Giving birth does not make a parent. Opening one's heart and home to a homeless child is an excellent way to form a family. These children also deserve parents. Adoption is the best answer. I can assure you of that from personal experience. I am both adopted and an adoptive parent.
I am not a Roman Catholic but my position on such things as marriage, faithfulness, abortion, child-raising, and so forth pretty much mirrors the teachings of the Catholic Church, and I've enjoyed reading your very instructive posts since I've been a member here on Free Republic. Could you clarify what you said? Does the church prohibit the artificial insemination of the wife with the sperm of her husband? If so, why, and how is this any different from any other medical procedure? If the love is there, and the desire to raise the child, and no adultery has occurred, where is the sin? Thanks for your response.
In other words, paraphrasing simply, the essence of the Catholic teaching: the only moral method for the conception of a child is on a bed of sacramentally married love.