Dr.E: Because you place less value on Scripture than I do, I can understand your making that remark. I "quote Scripture" because I believe Scripture.
I value Scripture no less than you. This is not about *valuing* Scripture; this about *interpreting* Scripture. You are interpreting certain "assurance verses" as applying to you. I'm asking you how you know that those verses apply to you. The answer to the question: "How do you know that those assurance verses apply to you?" is not "Because I value Scripture".
LOL. This is about clear words spoken by God, pitted against the machinations of men who seek to confuse, deflect and disarm.
It's just not that difficult. If my kids can understand Christ risen, so can any man with ears to hear and eyes to see and a new heart, all given by God for His glory.
Did Christ die on the cross to pay for your sins and did He rise from the dead in order to prove it true?
If God has given you the grace to assent to this sentence, rejoice. You have been redeemed. And while it feels like it's all happening in real time, it was actually ordained by God from before the foundation of the world in order to bring glory to His name.