Posted on 11/07/2006 7:46:34 AM PST by Quix
Don't Be Discouraged, But Rejoice
Yolanda Ballard
Melbourn, Florida
Oct 20 2006 08:00AM
Don't be discouraged, but rejoice for you do have the victory even though you might not see it at present. I AM doing a deep work of purification as you go through the testing and the tribulation. For I AM preparing you for the work that I will have you to do, and you must be ready. I AM calling a people so dead to the flesh that I will be able to trust them with the glory I will pour out. For I AM calling a people, a holy remnant, to greater works, and one must be in the state of mind of such consistency that would not want to stand in the way or to try to rob me of the glory.
I AM purging the church of all traces of manipulation and control even of My Spirit. I AM calling a people that will honor My Spirit and not try to get Me to work according to the will of man. For I AM the One with the authority, and you are only to be the vessel I AM to move through. You can't get Me to work according to your own time frame and plans. You are to yield unto Mine until My work is completely finished.
So many think that if they set up a date and plan for a revival, then I will show up. But it doesn't work that way, because the enemy appears like an angel of light and moves with counterfeit gifts and anointing to try to deceive others thinking that it actually is Me calling the revival together. Do not be deceived, but test the spirits to see if it is truly Me who is calling you to these appointments. I AM calling My people to be discerning and not one who will follow after men or even an anointing. Yes, do not chase after anointings or healings, but seek My face and My presence, and I will supply all your needs. If you will put My will first, I will take care of all your needs.
Worship Me in the beauty of holiness. Don't go after the fanfare or the amusement. Just because people are shouting and jumping doesn't mean they have the true joy. What I mean to say is look past the outward appearance and look to the heart of the matter. Do you sense My true presence in the midst of all the turmoil. Then if not, leave and seek My still small voice. I will lead you to that remnant that calls together a meeting led purely by My Spirit seeking My agenda. Even if it might appear like I didn't show up, they still will rest in My presence, because they don't seek the hype, the signs or the feelings, only My face and to worship Me.
Yes, don't be discouraged, but rejoice, because I AM doing a deep work in My called out ones. I AM preparing the remnant for an end time work never experienced by man of such intensity. Greater works I AM calling you to, but I need those I can trust. So that is why you are going through the sifting and the purging. I need those who are contrite and pure in heart, and then I will pour out My glory in waves. Yes, mighty tidal waves of glory I will pour out that will wash away the works of the enemy in My church. Those who will be left for Me to work through will be the faithful, My remnant, My bride.
Yes, I AM calling the overcomers, those who have endured through the wind and the rain, all the storms of life. They never gave up on My faithfulness to keep My promise of the vision given to them. And now is the time and the hour where I will pour out honor and blessings abundant. Those who loved not their life unto death and forsake all for My Kingdom. Yes, those who laid their lives down and of their own loved ones to prove Me faithful. My word means everything to them.
So pick yourself up and rejoice in the victory. Walk by faith and not sight and don't trust in feelings or circumstances, but in Me alone, and I will lead you through to manifested promises of life and health divine as I usher in the end time harvest of souls and through you, My beloved.
Set Free To Deeper Rest
Yolanda Ballard
Melbourn, Florida
October 15, 2006
For yes, I have come to set the captives free that they may have life and life abundantly. Worship Me in the Spirit of holiness for there is no other that can meet your need for Righteousness. If you will rely on Me, I will provide all your needs. Why do you fret, O captive sister of Zion? Why do you go about like there is no tomorrow? Escape the clutch of the evil one and run in the freedom of your God. For this is the day that I have come to transform you into My image.
Bow down before Me and I will bless you with what you need that will carry you to the end. For these are evil times that the enemy has come on like a flood with many deceiving thoughts that you will not make it to the end. But do not listen to him or pay attention to the lying circumstances that surround you. For I call you to just let go and let Me be God. Let Me do the work needed in your heart for that is why I allow the fire of My love to burn even higher in your life. I am burning out the dross and purifying you and preparing you for what is ahead. I am calling you to even a deeper walk with Me that calls for a deeper trust.
Do not accept defeat but continue to stand on My promises. Through the wind and the waves I will preserve you. Do not be anxious. Look past the signs saying you will not the reap the promise. What will you believe? Will it be what you feel or see or will you believe My Word. Don't rely on how long it is taking and still things look like they are getting worse. Hold on to Me! Reap the benefits of My promises by faith.
I will give you My wisdom and I will direct your paths in the wilderness. Yes, I will provide even streams in the desert. I am with you always to the end of time for I am eternal and you will go on in eternity with Me. So look past these natural and temporal circumstances. You are but a spirit inside a shell, and I am causing you to die out to the flesh and its nature. I will restore your youth as the eagle if you will walk in My Spirit. The secret to your success in Me is that you will not love your life unto death and that you will commit all that you love into My hands. Yes, all of your loved ones and everything that you have. Nothing can harm or rob what you commit to Me.
And I am calling you to a deeper rest for you need your strength for the final onslaught from the enemy. Yes, you will make it to the end because My hand is on you and I am calling you forth. I am your strength, your righteousness, and I am setting you free. Rest, My beloved, for this is the final hour.
To The Prophets
Clo DiPilato
It's not a season, and it's not a day, but it is an hour, saith the Lord. It's an hour when those who are Mine are going to have to know how to clearly hear and discern My voice so they can be led in detail by the word of the Lord. I will take it as personal affront to My relationship between Myself and the souls of My redeemed if you prophesy indiscriminately and flippantly and without having waited on a true word from Me because now is the hour when My sheep MUST know My voice, and I will consider it an affront to My authority in the lives of My people.
It is an hour when the very safety and well-being of My people, and My servants is going to wholly depend on their ability to recognize My voice, and wholly depend on their ability to obey Me. If the word you bring puts My people into a state of confusion or question, I will hold you accountable. I want My people walking in a sure place. I want the decisions of My people founded and grounded upon a sure foundation of a true word that I have spoken.
Even at this time, many are making decisions based on fear, and driven by fear. This is going to yield serious spiritual repercussions because the prophets who spoke the words of fear are going to reap a harvest of distrust and hatred because they went when I did not send them, either in speaking judgment OR peace, I did not send them because they did not wait on Me. They did not weep before me for a pure word. They just presumed to go. They made up something in their heads based on news, based on circumstances, based on their own evaluations of the times, and they thought they could bypass the place of deep prayer and waiting in My presence. They thought they could speak a word without truly being in a place to hear from Me, and they will reap a harvest of doubt and confusion and distrust because when My people see the fruits of wrong decisions based on wrong words and false prophecies, they will wail and cry against the prophets who spoke falsely to them. How presumptuous of the prophets to think they know what I am saying when they have not even spent time in My presence where they could truly hear from Me!
Yes, I will most certainly convict My people through the spirit of fear and trembling so they can get their lives right. But then I will lead My people in a plain path by the light of My word. I am the light and the salvation of My people, and it is a time when I am constraining my beloved to the sounds of My own voice, and it is a time of training to understand and hear even the slightest whisper of the Spirit because the spiritual ragings from many realms is going to intensify, and if My people do not know how to discern My voice in the midst of the clamor even in the hea venlies, they will be led astray by foreign spirits, by counterfeit spirits, by religious spirits, by all manner of evil spirits unleashed to seduce My servants in this very hour, and to take captive a people that I desire to bring into a fullness of understanding My covering and provision in a very perilous time.
I do not want My prophets adding to the confusion! Hear the word of the Lord, I do NOT want MY prophets adding to the confusion. Be still. Be still. Be still. Be still, and know that I am God, and I can break through the floods of false words and false doctrines with a pure stream of My spirit, but I am challenging My true prophets in this hour to NOT FEAR to allow My people to LEARN MY V OICE FOR THEMSELVES!!
An hour is upon you that My people are going to have to function without always having the ability to call up a prophet on the phone, or run to a church service, or go to a home meeting to get a word. My people will need to know how to discern My mind, and hear My voice in the time of tribulation, or they will become prey to every beast of the field and every wolf in sheep's clothing out to devour the flock.
You must understand that in this hour I am far more interested in training My sheep to KNOW MY VOICE, than I am in validating and confirming your prophetic gifts and ministries!! If you are a true prophet, you will give yourself diligently to the pursuit of helping My people to understand that in the place of communion and intimacy with Me, I will speak to My own, to My beloved, and you will be content to be the confirming voice to the word of the Lord. You will not have to be constantly lauded and confirmed as a "prophet" or an "apostle." You will be very content to step aside, allowing Me to take My rightful place as the Head of MY body that I might impart My thoughts, and My mind to My people. You will begin to accept the responsibility, and understand the mandate of the Spirit is not to gather a following of those who delight in your anointings, but to be an instrument to bring My people to maturity so as fully mature sheep, not gullible little lambs, they indeed know My voice.
If you understand My dealings, and if you understand the present cry of the Spirit, you are going to be very slow to speak, and very quick to pray, and very quick to recognize when I am sending you forth with a confirming word to My servants. You will not usurp my place of covenant relationship with My people which I wrought in My son when I declared out of glory that it would be through Him that I would now speak to My people rather than through the prophets as I did in times past. (Hebrews 1)
That prophet that speaks for Me, and that prophet that I am sending in this hour with a word spanning the nations of this world down to the very heart and soul of a troubled man or woman of God is that one who has learned to decrease that I might increase so that indeed it IS the voice of My Son speaking through that prophetic vessel a pure word, and a sure word. Even as it was with John the Baptist, that one I am sending shall be as the voice of another, and the voice of another shall truly be the spirit and presence of Jesus, the testimony of Jesus coming forth from that vessel completely sold out to My purposes.
Beware of companies of prophets who love to spend more time with each other than they do with Me. Mark these ones, and beware.
Please let me know if you want on or off this list.
IF YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE ON IT--and didn't get pinged, please let me know. I'm using what I *think* is the most updated version, but I could be mixing up various backup copies.
True, true.
God is not either Democrat or Republican, but, he sure does not vote Democrat.
Thanks for the ping!
At least . . . not these days, I'd guess.
Welcome as always.
Thanks for your upbeat post ~ I am not discouraged either. Have a good evening, Quix!
Much appreciate your kind words.
Blessings to you and yours.
Thank you.
Election and Our Prayers, I Heard the Lord Chuckle, 'Get Ready!'" --by Jessica Miller
From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Some of you know that Jessica L. Miller helps many things run smoothly here at The Elijah List. But beyond that, she is an intercessor, a writer, a speaker, a teacher, and a prophetic "voice" extraordinaire! As such, Jessica and I were comparing notes today with what we were hearing from the Lord about these elections.
I asked her to write up what God had told her, because it agreed with the essence of my understanding from the Lord as well!
God knew we, the Body of Christ, by and large would obey, we would pray, and we would vote in larger-than-normal numbers.
God also knew that those who were perceived by many to stand for unrighteousness would be elected, and that many would feel disappointed, and feel "what did we do wrong?", when a seemingly more righteous person was NOT elected.
But God, as we understand from Psalm 139, is not up in Heaven wringing His hands with shock--as if stunned--that some righteous people or issues we voted for did not pass the election process.
No, instead, HIS reaction is quite different. But read it for yourself.
It starts with a "Chuckle" from Heaven.
That's all I'm going to tell you so far.
Read what Jessica heard God say.
Steve Shultz
The Elijah List
The Voice of the Prophetic magazine
We Prayed!
One thing that is true about prophetic people--we love the prophets and we believe the prophetic!
Through hearing the numerous prophetic words spoken about the importance of the November 2006 elections, I had myself doing all I knew to do, as were many of you--Praying, fasting, decreeing, agreeing with God, and of course, voting.
Last night, as the voting tallies were reported, I knew we were in trouble. This morning when I read the news, my reaction was heart-sickness.
I was so grieved, that I did not think I could do anything today but weep before the Lord.
In my mind, I ran down a list of, "How could something like this possibly happen? Our economy has been showing a new strength--the stock market is reporting all time highs, unemployment is declining, interest rates are at an almost all-time low, and....WE PRAYED!"
So what happened? It looks like the enemy won--OR DID he?
Then I thought, "Oh no!", now we are all in BIG trouble. We failed the Lord; we failed the unborn. We failed...I felt discouragement and despair threatening to drown me.
I started out my heart cry to God with, "Now it's darker then ever--how could this happen?"
Then I clearly heard the Lord chuckle and say, "Get Ready! The Son of Righteousness is arising with healing in His wings!" I knew this Scripture passage comes from Malachi 4:2.
I then saw a huge ball of fire (much larger and more brilliant then the sun). It rose up over a very dark land. Stunning, magnificent light flooded the land with such illumination that there was not even shadows, let alone darkness.
Then the Lord chuckled again and said, "I have a few tricks up My sleeve, too!" A trick implies something not conventional--something not "predictable."
"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life."
In a split second, I realized the Lord is fully and completely going to accomplish His purposes here on earth, even through this election.
Concerning this election, this is what really happened--We, His Body, did pray, we did believe, we did vote, and we did cry out for righteousness.
Faith DOES NOT go by sight--and God does hear the cry for righteousness. And He has heard us!
Let us continue to walk in and cry out for righteousness, and let us remember the Bible is filled with numerous stories (Sodom and Gomorrah, Gideon, Abraham, and others) where the Lord clearly moved on behalf of the long as they stood for righteousness.
Although the Lord uses the voting process, He is not confined to it. God does not need a majority or a quorum.
He only needs the righteous to cry out for righteousness!
The Lord is not nervous, and He wants us to rest in the assurance that HE is LORD!
In this time, we must encourage ourselves in the Lord (just like King David did in a very dark hour).
We must not release word curses against people who "won" instead of who we voted for. By doing that, we would only strengthen the enemy of our souls to work evil in this country. There are good and Godly (and SOON to be Godly) people on both sides of the aisle in Washington, D.C. We must therefore bless and pray for each person in office--without regard to how we feel they will rule.
What would actually happen if we really prayed for and blessed those who appear to be in the camp (again, on the left or the right) of the unrighteous? Oh just imagine the glory God would get if we were heard on High, as we cry out for the souls of any and all unrighteous leaders to be turned to the Lord!
Be encouraged dear ones--we have NOT failed--and darkness has NOT prevailed.
God clearly said HE had a "few tricks up His sleeve," and darkness is about to meet head on "the SON of Righteousness!" Oh what a glorious collision this will be!
Let's Pray On!
Jessica L. Miller
Publications Manager
The Voice of the Prophetic
To the Law and to the Testimony!
The Law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul;
The Testimony of the Lord is trustworthy, making wise the simple.
~Psalm 19:7
His words are Spirit and they are Life!
As all things to us His divine power (the things pertaining unto life and piety) hath given, through the acknowledgement of him who did call us through glory and worthiness,
through which to us the most great and precious promises have been given, that through these ye may become partakers of a divine nature, having escaped from the corruption in the world in desires.
And this same also -- all diligence having brought in besides, superadd in your faith the worthiness, and in the worthiness the knowledge,
and in the knowledge the temperance, and in the temperance the endurance, and in the endurance the piety,
and in the piety the brotherly kindness, and in the brotherly kindness the love;
for these things being to you and abounding, do make [you] neither inert nor unfruitful in regard to the acknowledging of our Lord Jesus Christ,
for he with whom these things are not present is blind, dim-sighted, having become forgetful of the cleansing of his old sins;
wherefore, the rather, brethren, be diligent to make stedfast your calling and choice, for these things doing, ye may never stumble,
for so, richly shall be superadded to you the entrance into the age-during reign of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
~2 Peter 1:3-11 (Young's Literal)
~or read in the more familiar NKJV
On the Lord chuckling, read Psalm 2!
Much agree about His Kingdom being "not of this world" and the rest of your post.
On that score, however . . . it is also clear from Scripture that His Kingdom will--at least for a time--1,000 years? . . .
be setup on this planet and He will overtly rule from here who has no limited 'locality.' Plenty mystery there.
This world and those in it . . . are to be purified, refined, cleansed . . . according to His plan.
All that rebels against Him; rejects Him; refuses to submit to Him will be isolated away from all the rest of Creation. His Kingdom will saturate this world as it does or will all Creation.
It's not as though the political realm of this world will escape His pervue. It will not escape compliance with His every thought--in the political and all other arenas.
And sometimes, I get eager and homesick for that time. Though I recognize He does all things well . . . and The Father has everything timed perfectly.
Yes, Psalm 2 has been off and on . . . extra on my mind lately. And, the near memorization is in KJV but I also like THE MESSAGE version:
I think that's yet another Psalm . . . which . . . though of comfort and direction through the ages . . . was written specifically and expressly for our era.
Psalm 2 (The Message)
The Message (MSG)
Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson
Psalm 2
1-6 Why the big noise, nations? Why the mean plots, peoples?
Earth-leaders push for position,
Demagogues and delegates meet for summit talks,
The God-deniers, the Messiah-defiers:
"Let's get free of God!
Cast loose from Messiah!"
Heaven-throned God breaks out laughing.
At first he's amused at their presumption;
Then he gets good and angry.
Furiously, he shuts them up:
"Don't you know there's a King in Zion? A coronation banquet
Is spread for him on the holy summit."
7-9 Let me tell you what God said next.
He said, "You're my son,
And today is your birthday.
What do you want? Name it:
Nations as a present? continents as a prize?
You can command them all to dance for you,
Or throw them out with tomorrow's trash."
10-12 So, rebel-kings, use your heads;
Upstart-judges, learn your lesson:
Worship God in adoring embrace,
Celebrate in trembling awe. Kiss Messiah!
Your very lives are in danger, you know;
His anger is about to explode,
But if you make a run for Godyou won't regret it!
Thanks for the ping!
Thanks so much, Quix. I was greatly encouraged yesterday when I read it. GOD is in control. I am convinced of that more than ever and I am beginning to pray for the salvation of all members of Congress and Bill Clinton. Think of the changes our nation would go through if and when this happens. Praise God!
Thanks, Dear Heart.
You are in a better space than I am this evening.
I do ask The Lord to save all who have the slightest possibility of being saved including all you mention.
I do feel some have crossed over a line they may have great difficulty getting back across in God's direction.
Thanks for your Friendship, Sister.
I actually saw a couple of prophecies regarding Hillary Clinton being saved. Wouldn't that be a great thing? For her AND for all of us!
Probably so . . .
Holy Spirit turned her inside out and right side up into a 180 degree new person.
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