Posted on 10/19/2006 12:19:52 PM PDT by Global2010
Hi Ya'll,
Need some quick to the point answers to what you all as Roman Catholics are asked by non Catholics.
It is my homework assignment and I told my teacher I would post this vanity to help sort out ???? that I will be asked as a Catholic in years to come.
I am not having a problem with ???? about chastity, prudence, temptations, reading the Holy Bible ect...
I know in my head answers to ???? below but having a hard time articulating them.
Questions about our Mother Mary and the Saints, going to Heaven/purgatory takes more then just saving Grace (once saved always saved non Catholic Christians often say).
What ??? are you all often faced to answer? I don't want to go into a deep theological discussion with other non Catholics just a quick to the point answer would suffice.
My idea of just telling them to take an Adult Conservative Catechism Class and they will have all the answers is not really acceptable in defending the faith (lol but it does swiftly end discussion).
Free Will.
Personal responsibility.
You work hard to give your family a good economic life and your never could that be any more nasty then someone who destroy's there life over nite with drugs?
I challenge you to 2 yrs in a conservative Catichism class that we agree on. Not some wishy washy class.
If you feel the same after I will give $15 to a charity of your choice (other than planned parenthood) and if I win you give to my choice...
Bob you are doing a great job.
BTW we as Catholics practice Natural Family Planning.
Also if ya got a bambino on the boob it also will naturally keep you infertile.
In third worlds (I was there and wanted to stay) the babes suckle at the breast for up to 3 yrs and coitus is not profitable.
That is natural BC.
Aids did not come from sex withen a I do I do commitment it came from outside practices...
So your saying no man can be soley devoted and everyone should have sex together but if we get warts and aids we should be callous enough to abort a baby because of possible suffering.
I don't by that Bob..If you were on your last leg with would grasp Yes?
Back it up with scripture...
Whoopsie What is your Opinion on Sex outside of Marriage?
There are few quick-to-the-point answers in Christianity, and I suggest it is better to spend your life reading the Bible and getting to know who Jesus is, rather than defending your sect.
Jesus came to bring himself, not a religion or set of beliefs that will get us to heaven. It's pointless to spend time constructing defenses when all you have to do is share what it is like to walk with God. Once God has touched you, you can never forget it and you'll never be the same. If you have never walked with God, why defend your faith?
You're probably quite young... It may take many years of growing in your faith. I respect your earnestness in what you're trying to do. But the world needs Jesus and his gospel, not Catholicism.
You don't need to defend Catholicism. You just need to have faith in the forgiveness that Jesus earned for your sins.
Well that is really Silly.
I spent many years in Christian Theology read the Bible 11 times.
I chose on my free will to study the Catholic Churches teachings.
Can't go wrong with 2000 years on the rock.
Take a good Catechism class and decide for yourself, it is your free will. Yes?
There's an enormous difference between what you described earlier as "knowing in your head" (taking classes) and experiencing Jesus. Yes, lots of people read the Bible, but reading the Bible doesn't make you a Christian. Adopting a set of beliefs does not make you a Christian either.
It's funny: People who have experienced Jesus, his overwhelming love and peace, and his life-transforming power... they preach Jesus.
People who have studied theology and catechism... they preach theology and catechism.
It is the difference between being told, and believing, that honey is sweet, and tasting and experiencing honey for yourself. I respect someone's free will and faith to believe honey is sweet. But when people ask them to defend this, it is senseless to do so on the basis of what you've been taught. You can't relate the taste of honey from the venue of the senses to the vene of the intellect. it must be experienced. Instead, you give them a taste of honey.
If someone wants to know who Jesus is, a] share his gospel, and b] act on his behalf by showing them his unfailing love, compasion, forgiveness and self-sacrifice. "Defending" your faith by sharing your book knowledge is not what people need.
They need Jesus.
Sorry I didn't mean to burp.
Go through this thread and study the links and material then come back and opine.
Please take a year or so I will still be here and I have tons of study too...
Let's make it a date.
Compare and discuss OCT. 22 2007.
God Bless.
If you had a choice between a] defending Catholicism to someone or b] sharing Jesus' love and gospel, what would be do? Why should anyone, Cath. or non-Cath., care whether you can defend it?
First, I'll finish my original point, then I'll address some of your questions.
Doesn't it seem rather incongruous to you that a] you say you believe such-and-such and have "studied" it but b] you can't articulate it and need others to give you "guick to the point answers" to defend it? Believing is more than accepting assertions as true. Believing is getting making those truths so real that your life changes as a result. if your life has changed, share that with people. If your life hasn't changed, deep down on the heart level, something is wrong. (I don't mean, "now I'm a practicing Catholic so my life has changed).
Now for your points:
Of course history and teaching is important. But not as Catholics present it. Much of what they present are self-serving myths and religiosity that has nothing to do with one's salvation in Jesus.
Yes, I believe Jesus as the ultimate sacrificial lamb that died for us all. This is pointed to in the OT and taught in the NT, and Cath. is not necessary to learn or believe this.
I don't understand the point of your question about the Ten Commandments. But let me say that you can keep the 10 Commandments and still have a heart full of sin. You can avoid adultery or murder, but as Jesus pointed out, you can look at someone with lust or hate in your heart and be guilty of breaking "the rules". So keeping rules, only, won't ultimately help you; you need a change of heart as well. The law can't change the heart. It can only weigh it down.
I never said "Jesus died for my sins" and then left it at that. Of course the remainder of our lives should be dedicated to following him and learning from him and other Christians. What I mean to say it, instead of pointing people towards theology and cathecism, point them to the man. Yes, he was a teacher, but he did not come merely to bring a set of teachings that we follow. He came to bring himself. His teachings, in fact, are obsessed with this idea -- look to me, learn from me, come to me and I will give you rest. Not, adopt my beliefs and they will give you rest.
Yes, I strive to live a holy life, but one based on utterly depending on God for every breath and rejoicing while doing so. I do live a life primarily focused on keeping sets of rules. Jesus has freed me from sin, and the more I experience his love, the easier it is to focus on him and in doing so keeping the rules becomes my nature, not something I have to pressured into doing.
IN RE my pure heart: When God looks at me, his sees Christ's purity imputed to me. And I can experience his beautiful, joyful peace and grace without worry about whether "I'm good enough".
Where do I get my strength? From remembering the amazing times that God has been so present, so close, and so overwhelming to me, that any amount of suffering or fear/anticipation of suffering does not make me waver.
Now, I've taken some serious time with you, so you owe me.
Tell me about the sweetness of Jesus you experience in your daily life, and do so without theological language.
Think of the absurdity of your opening question and your last remark:
You are firmly dedicated to defending something which, in your own words, you have studied and believe, but cannot articulate.
Then when mildly challenged, you tell me to study the thread and spend a year studying Cathecism.
What has studying Cathecism done for you that even compares to what experiencing Jesus has done for you? Why defend Catholicism rather than just point the world to Jesus and his Gospel?
But you haven't thoughtfully addressed my points or questions. I think it would be a good exercise for you -- not for the sake of defending or winning an argument, but for the sake of examining the deeper questions I've posed, and looking into your heart.
Yes Silly I thoughtfully have.
I asked you to give me time so I could examine all you posted and be prudent when I can speak to you as Christ would have us do in a thoughtful, loving way.
If I fire back an answer it would not be anything but my human natural response.
I'll give you a week. A year is out of the question.
I think it's been a year since I've seen you! I could hardly stand the wait!
Nice to see you, too! Hope you've been well.
It is well with my soul! What cheer, friend? How - and where - have you been?
Still in NYC, working my tail off, and living day by day!
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