Does anyone find it a tad strange that we are living in the 21st century and we are using a 150-year-old piece of human anatomy as an object of veneration? Don't get me wrong, I do believe that faith is an extremely important aspect of one's life, but doesn't this type of act take some amount of credibility from a "civilized" religion?
There is no need to put quotation marks around the word civilized.
A few quotes from the book reviews on
"A particular strength of this book is that Woods does not simply utilize the fawning opinions of Church defenders to build his case. Instead, he more often uses the begrudging praise of some of the Church's harshest critics--scholars who can hardly be accused of harboring a bias in favor of the Catholic Church."
"This is one of those eye-opening books that put to rest widely accepted but nonetheless misguided notions about the past. In 225 information-packed pages Tom Woods reveals how, in the aftermath of the collapse of the Roman Empire, the Catholic Church single-handedly revived and rebuilt Western civilization. The Benedictine monks, for example, transformed wasteland and swamps into fertile fields, harnessed water power, and bred healthier strains of livestock. The Jesuits became pre-eminent in astronomy and developed a scientific approach to archaeology. The Church fostered village schools and the great universities of Paris, Bologna, Oxford, and Cambridge; operated hospitals and orphanages; sheltered and fed the poor; and formulated the idea of basic human rights."
"Charity, morality, economics, international law, the idea that all men are created equal, and many other things we take for granted all have foundations in Catholic thought. The title is accurate: the Church built Western civilization."