Speaking from experience, it is a very difficult task. Opening ones mind to allow the scriptures say what they say after being thouroughly immersed in a doctrine from birth is very hard.
Incidentally, I generally find that those who have converted to the beliefs we share are much more passionate than those who have grown up in truth. Is it the same with you guys?
Exuberance comes first...I believe....followed by realization that you are up against a formidable adversary who concentrates only on Christianity, knowing that that is from whence he will see his doom. You then recognize that your minority position is most logical....and when you hear the taunt "All these Churches can't be wrong...can they?" The answer is actually, "All these Churches can't be right...can they?"
Our adversary will continue to divide and conquer.....keeping most of organized Christianity in their own little corner of Apostasy. That is why this forum is so valuable as many folks who normally would not be exposed to Biblical truth and logic may find it here from time to time.