Re- the sermon he preached.
This is a serious question.
If one has divorced to marry another, is now married, is NOW considered to be commiting adultery since he/she is married to someone else, then REPENTS, does he/she leave the new spouse and go back to the first spouse? Doesn't repent involve "discontinuing" the sin in addition to asking forgiveness?
I know I sound like a smarta-- for asking a question like this, but I know folks who would ask that type of question and I would have NO answer for them.
I wouldn't either! I think you're 100% spot on. "Go and sin no more", right?
I hope not because I've been trying to figure this one out myself. What if the other spouse is married to someone else as well? What if it's been 20 or 30 years? What if all this happened before they came to know the Lord? I believe we can ask for forgiveness but there are some things that just can't be undone. It may be in there, but I'm not sure if this may be moving beyond what the Bible has to say.
I have no idea what that Christian should do...
I don't really have a pressing need to figure out what's right in that situation, anyway, as I have never been married and when I do marry, it will be for life.
I do know of at least five Christians who have left their wives, or are considering it, knowing that there is no adultery on their spouse's part, they are simply unhappy in their marriage.