During the tribulation period that tribulation is not of God. During the wrath period following the tribulation period it is of God.
Now then you have plucked a verse out of Revelations in which Christ is talking to the churches, now is this historical or is it figuratively speaking to the Church throughout the ages? You tell me. I will tell you this it is not during the 3.5 years of the tribulation period in which we were talking about.
From your earlier post:
"If one does a word search for wrath in the bible it is alway associated with the great and dreadful day of the Lord, which is the return of Christ to earth.Tribulation is not associated with God it is always associated with man with this present world system."
I was only going off that fairly plain statement. Now you wish to limit the criteria, that is fine, but no doubt you will object when someone points out that "tribulation" doesn't always come from man and "wrath" doesn't always come from God. And thus your parameters for what happens in the future "seven year tribuation period" are limited by your arbitrary definitions.