The title should have been: What do you do with something that cannot be demonstrated conclusively from the Bible without positing raw assertions?
Tommy (Mr. "Replacement theology" == anti-Semitism) Ice's biases and politics are showing.
Read Supersessional Orthodoxy; Zionistic Sadism by Ken Gentry
In Ice's book Ready to Rebuild there is a picture of him, with delight in his eyes, sitting down with Gershon Salomon, the Jewish founder and head of the Temple Mount Faithful. Now as a good Christian, I am sure Tommy warned Salomon of the soon coming holocaustal judgment on Israel. And I am sure as a Christian pastor he presented Salomon the Gospel of Jesus Christ, pointing out that He and He alone is "the way, the truth, and the life." Of course, I just recently purchased some ocean front property in Arizona, too.
Now as a good Christian, I am sure Tommy warned Salomon of the soon coming holocaustal judgment on Israel. And I am sure as a Christian pastor he presented Salomon the Gospel of Jesus Christ, pointing out that He and He alone is "the way, the truth, and the life."
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Actually, all the dispensational believers I know with access to such people on tours to Israel . . . essentially, do exactly that.