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1Why do the heathen rage, and the people devise a vain thing?

2The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying,

3"Let us break Their bonds asunder, and cast away Their cords from us."

4He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh; the LORD shall hold them in derision.

5Then shall He speak unto them in His wrath, and vex them in His sore displeasure:

6"Yet have I set My King upon My holy hill of Zion."

7"I will declare the decree: The LORD hath said unto Me, `Thou art My Son; this day have I begotten Thee.

8Ask of Me, and I shall give Thee the heathen for Thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for Thy possession.

9Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; Thou shalt dash them to pieces like a potter's vessel.'"

10Be wise now therefore, O ye kings; be instructed, ye judges of the earth.

11Serve the LORD with fear and rejoice with trembling.

12Kiss the Son, lest He be angry and ye perish from the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him.

225 posted on 11/18/2006 3:17:24 PM PST by JockoManning (
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To: All

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Jesus' Hands and Fingers...

11-17 -'06, Three dream scenes: I awoke between all three of these scenes, and 'noted' them, before going back to sleep, so that each scene was separate and distinct from the other 2.

I saw a nice looking housewife-type woman standing in her kitchen, with her back to the refrigerator. She was blonde with a Jackie 'O type hairdo (kind of a smooth bubbled 'do', as Jackie Kennedy wore in times past). I saw that her arms were behind her back, hands crossed and her hands moving slightly as well as her fingers moving rhythmically ....... end of dream scene.

I semi-awoke and thought about kitchens and refrigerators sometimes referencing in the way of symbol : 'that inner heart place of a man or a woman'..... and then I fell back to sleep.

#2 I was looking at a light skinned black man about 40-45 in age. Stocky built, he wearing an expensive looking, double breasted tan colored suit, and I knew he was a 'preacher' holding forth. He stood at the end of a living room with his back to a fireplace, which had a good sized wood fire and flames going in it. His hands also were behind his back, hands crossed, and slightly moving, fingers moving, moving ...

There were folks gathered and seated in this long living room (very similar to my own remembered childhood living room/home ) -- I only saw these other people hazily, as I was concentrated on this man, his hands, and the fire behind him.....he was speaking / preaching ... I awoke.

#3 When I did wake up from this third dream, I could not remember the beginning, the first part of the dream -- but I did remember there was big action, an accident, and that I had heard the crashing, and the glass breaking.

I was standing diagonally across from a city store, an older city shop -- A corner situated shop / wood frame building, with full glass windows on each side; this shop was closed for the day. There had just been this accident, and there was an ongoing robbery attempt happening in this shop, for this store contained valuables -- the plate glass window on the right side of the corner shop (as I looked-on) was broken through, with dangerous shards still moving, & hanging precariously in the upper window framework . ( I thought perhaps that a car had driven right through this window ? - although I could not remembering exactly, after awakening .)

I knew that 2 or 3 men had entered this shop to steal / rob the valuables inside, and I saw one of the robbers hurt and laying inside the shop on the floor, he seemed only semi-conscious,, laying near that broken window, and in the dream I was very alarmed that some of those larger shards of window glass might fall and hurt him even more,, or even kill him, as he didn't seem able to move himself.

At this very same time simultaneously in this dream, walking towards me (diagonally across this street intersection) at about the mid point of the street were a young black family: A dad, mom, with a couple of children -- they were all dressed in their 'Sunday best' in appearance ..... very nice looking young family, with peaceful semi-smiling expressions on their faces...the children bounced along with their parents, as the family was just strolling towards me, crossing this intersection diagonally.

As I began to awake alarmed, due to the dream' accident, and that injured robber-man needing help ,, I was thinking in my heart, 'How in this world can they (this family) be so nonchalant, be so insensitive to the accident that has just happened, and to that man needing rescue ?!'

For, the accident was loud, no one could have missed it !,,and it had occurred right behind them -- yet, they did not seem to hear or see, or notice, nor even care..... and I awoke more fully, to ponder this 3rd. dream scene with Lord.

One aspect I was given to understand of all three scenes, that may tie them together, is that in each dream, the people had 'something behind them'.

A kitchen refrigerator behind -- the blonde woman
A living room fire / fireplace behind -- the preacher man
A shop in a city street / the accident behind -- the oblivious peaceful family

The dream scenes may point to times of the past, as in: 'behind'

Eph. 4:11, Jesus has gifted into His beloved church, His' people; apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors and evangelists = Five, or as some say, the 5-fold ministries, which may be likened to the fingers of our hands. I believe The Lord was addressing these ministries in my dream scenes received, via the hands and fingers seen.

Some of the interpretation of these dream-scenes may be understood in this way:

#1 In the past (Jackie 'O hairdo, past times) much of the church (blonde woman) held the works (hands) of five fold ministry (fingers) close to heart (kitchen / refrigerator), yet these ministries were not in open display, but these ministry persons (5 fingers) were kept 'behind the back', somewhat hidden, by individual believers.

In second scene part of the message is similar (hands / fingers), but this time includes both the 'fire of God' (fireplace/fire), and the hidden messengers (five-fold gift ministries) whom had now moved from the place of inner (fridge./heart) individual knowing, into the place of living more openly, being proclaimed (preacher-man) = in the living-room -- the place where people and family gather together.

Finally the wisdom contained in scene #3 I believe to be along this line, Do not try to help or fix 'the old' which has been sacked, ruined, is even now robbed and damaged, EVEN IF an emergency situation seems to arise there 'behind you' (of, or from the long past, or the immediate past); Seemingly dire and life threatening happening's in that 'old shop' wherein thieves have broken in to rob and steal. That past place is now only semi-conscious, is dying, and is dangerous.

Do not be enticed to turn back, but rather leaving all behind, cross to the other side (new place), at this intersection of God's time and timing,, with 'family' = those of like Christ' belief, ministry and calling.

" And another of his disciples said unto him, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead." – Mt. 8:20,21, & Lk. 9:59, 60

I believe these were prophetic instructional dreams from God, and may speak to actual real places or situations for some folks, OR as well for some of us, they may be speaking to spiritual places , as these dreams have revealed for myself; Spiritual places no longer fruitful nor wise for some of us / me to stay at.

-- A present-time instruction (or confirmation for some) to leave behind the old, and cross this intersection, via The Cross by His' Grace,, moving into Jesus new spiritual places and ministry for us, as families now being enabled to openly display and give through the five ministries (dream: Dad, Mom, & Children),,, The ministries of our Lord Jesus Christ.

And HE gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelist; and some pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:...." - Eph. 4:11-13

226 posted on 11/20/2006 9:50:33 PM PST by JockoManning (Listen Online
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