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By Bishop Dr. Dominiquae Bierman


So he went down and dipped seven times in the Jordan , according to the saying of the man of God; and his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.  2 Kings 5:14


Shabbat Shalom dearly beloved:


It was my wedding day, the 23rd of January 1990; the day that we would be married by the Rabbis, which is the only legal way for two Jews to be married in Israel . My Messianic wedding was scheduled for April; however our relationship was going to become legal under the “Chuppa” (wedding canopy) that day! It had been a very hectic day to say the least! The papers from the USA proving that Baruch was a bachelor and a Jew had not been given to us yet. We had to literally fight with the clerks in the Chief Rabbinate of Jerusalem to release them to us on time. We had been refused marriage in Baruch’s home town in Maaleh Adumin in the desert of Judea because they had discovered that we were Messianic believers. Posters warning the public about us were posted in the synagogues.


Finally, Adonai opened the door in the city where my family lived, but we needed the documents from the Chief Rabbinate. YAH had spoken to me that the wedding would be on the 23rd, yet it did not seem possible. We were being beaurocratically harassed and I have had no time for “Bridal Preparations”. As we had to wait for our papers, I escaped to the hair dresser to at least comb my hair in an attractive manner and yet after this day of sweat I had not time for shower, let alone for THE MIKVEH which is the ritual bath all Jewish brides have to undergo before marriage.


Finally we got the papers and the time was near 5 PM . We needed to travel to Raanana that is more than one hour away from Jerusalem and arrive there before 6 PM . The local Rabbi would be leaving at 6 PM and there would be no weddings afterwards. We had no one with us. In fact nobody knew that this was going to be our wedding day. The celebration would happen in April. With the wind in our backs we “flew” to Raanana in Baruch’s double cab Volkswagen truck. We made it at 6 PM sharp however the Rabbi had just left! We were devastated and said to the secretary to please call him back! This was not our fault, it was the Chief Rabbinate.


A very reluctant Rabbi made his way back to us, but he made it! That was a miracle already. I was stressed and exhausted and had stretched my faith to the limit. We sat across the Rabbi’s desk and he asked me the dreaded question: “Do you have your Mikveh certificate, the proof that you have taken the ritual purification bath according to Jewish Law?” I was pale and began to say:


“No, because…..” He did not let me explain ANYTHING! My NO was enough. The Rabbi slammed his fist with full force on the table and he said- THE WEDDING IS CANCELLED.


I could answer nothing, I was speechless and I prayed silently: “Father this is your turn now, I have done all I could do….”  Then the face of the Rabbi changed from hard to soft and compassionate and he asked me. “If I let you get married, will you go immediately to the Mikveh and will NOT TOUCH with your husband until the full purification bath requirements would be met? “ I solemnly promised him that with all of my heart and so did my husband to be. We will not touch, no, not even hands until the bride would be pure and holy according to the Law. We sighed with relief. Our Father and Matchmaker had intervened once again!


Right after the Chuppa Wedding took place we took the Rabbi home and I was dropped at the local MIKVEH HOUSE.


There the women received me like a QUEEN. “A bride, a bride has arrived, they shouted! They began to assist me with gusto for the purification waters. I felt like I Was in Heaven, I have had such a hard day and welcomed the assistance, the treatment and the preparations to be pure in the eyes of God and man. I welcomed this Cleansing Bath! The ladies helped me remove my clothes and I was naked. They helped me with instructions on how to prepare: I had to remove all makeup, all nail polish; all jewels and yes even cut my nails so that no dirt could hide underneath! All hair had to be trimmed so that no dirt could “hide”. My hair had to be thoroughly shampooed, my ears absolutely clean! I could have no traces of blood or any impurities. Nothing could separate my body and the Waters of Purification. These waters can only be true rain water, not any man-made “treated water”.


Now the ladies in charge oversaw my immersion. I had to immerse 7 times with the fingers in my hands completely OPEN to allow the water to reach EVERY CORNER of my body. The immersion needed to be thorough and full. Not a trace of my body could be seen as I immersed. No, no flesh! Not even a hair! Echad, shtayim, shalosh… One, two, three, four, five, six, seven- SHEVA! I had done it! As I rose from the water after the seventh immersion, I was greeted with the traditional greeting of MAZL TOV! I was officially certified PURE and ready to become ONE with my husband. I cannot begin to describe the feeling of exhilaration and release that I felt. I felt as pure as a little, innocent child that had never sinned and yet more feminine than ever. I was glowing!


After the shower I got dressed up and these wonderful ladies took care of combing my hair and of giggling a lot because they knew that an eager husband was waiting for me outside. I needed no makeup and my hair was wet. I looked radiant, fully renewed! The ladies took my right and left arm and as a bridal delegation they accompanied me to the truck where my newly wedded husband was waiting. I was glowing, he was enthralled to see me…Our married life was about to begin.




My dearly beloved friends: It is the passing through the MIKVEH that defines if the wedding will take place or not. It is only the ones that are willing to be totally purified that will marry The Jewish Bridegroom. Y’shua is and forever will be a Jewish Bridegroom! And the only way to become a BRIDE to be truly MARRIED is to be purified thoroughly! Not only by removing our external clothing (such as pagan feasts and all kinds of wrong “habits”) but by not allowing ANY DIRT to hide anywhere in our souls. All Jewish brides need to “pass the inspection” of the ladies in charge of the Mikveh. Just like they checked me to see if my nails were short enough, if there was no flow, if my ears were clean, so the Holy Spirit is in charge of inspecting the Bride of Messiah prior to the wedding, the Ruach in Hebrew as you well know by now is in female gender.


Actually the Spirit is using many women in these End Times to help inspect, cleanse and prepare the Bride for the Wedding. In fact only women can prepare the Bride. A TRUE BRIDE will allow herself to be inspected and will not resent it or feel humiliated. I felt privileged and I believe that those that truly belong to The Bride of Messiah will also feel privileged rather than “threatened” by the invasion of their “privacy”! There will be no wedding without A MIKVEH. The whole Ecclesia has to be immersed in the True Waters of Torah of His Word and wash away all impurities in a thorough way and then She will be ready!


“That He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.” Ephesians 5:26-27


This is an invitation to the TRUE BRIDE to enter into The End Time MIKVEH and Wedding Preparations. This is THE MAP REVOLUTION.


In The Mikveh


Your friends in Israel

Rabbi Baruch and Bishop Dominiquae Bierman


PS: There is no wedding without a thorough purification.

“Without holiness no one will see the Lord” Hebrews 12:14





See details at





Watch the live broadcast from the mountains of Jerusalem by Bishop Dominiquae Bierman


Shabbat 4th November 10am Israeli time

(Repeated at 12pm , 2pm , 4pm and 6pm )

( 10am  = York 3am; London 8am ; Manila 1pm ; Sydney 5pm )


** See special repeats of last Shabbat broadcast on MAP Revolution TV, click on the link from our English web site


207 posted on 11/04/2006 3:24:15 AM PST by JockoManning (
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To: All

Dear Friends in the Nations,

Lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders are organizing a Gay Pride Parade in the city of Jerusalem on November 10, Krystal Nacht, the anniversary of the beginning of the Holocaust in Europe. Jerusalem councilwoman Mina Fenton called the parade an "insult to Holocaust survivors" and insists that the parade offends "every national value, both historic and religious."

We must stand with the Jewish people to stop this desecration of Jerusalem. I have just signed the Jerusalem Prayer Team's petition to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, encouraging him to halt this outrage. Please visit the link below and add your signature to our letter of support for Prime Minister Olmert. Urge him to stop this abomination.

Blessings in Y'shua
Kad-Esh MAP Ministries
Phone + 972 523 781 553
Fax +972 2 533 3534

209 posted on 11/05/2006 1:45:06 AM PST by JockoManning (
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