Amen. So many of these beliefs are merely to neuter Christians, to hinder the Gospel being preached and to deny that the victory of Christ on the cross affects every life on earth.
So many of these beliefs are merely to neuter Christians, to hinder the Gospel being preached and to deny that the victory of Christ on the cross affects every life on earth.
= = = =
WOW. Incredible.
--are merely
NO! NOT AT ALL--merely or otherwise!
--to neuter Christians
NO! ACTUALLY, MORE TO EMPOWER THEM TO REACH MORE UNBELIEVERS FOR CHRIST when the unbelievers realize how many prophecies have already come true in our time and as they observe with their own eyes and in the daily news more and more such coming true just as Scriptures predict.
Such beliefs also empower new believers in their faith to grow in greater confidence while observing tangible manifestations of God's Majesty and supernatural knowledge and power in prophecying such AND in bringing such prophecies to pass in our era.
--to hinder the Gospel being preached
NO! QUITE THE OPPOSITE, ACTUALLY. Such have been a great aid in my sharing The Gospel on the mission field and off. I think I've lost track of the number of folks brought into The Kingdom through sharing of my perspective on such Biblical prophecies and their in-context interpretations.
--and to deny that the victory of Christ on the cross
NO! NO WAY DOES OUR POSITION DENY THE VICTORY OF CHRIST ON THE CROSS IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM. Quite the OPPOSITE, actually. Christ in all his resultant Revelation MAJESTY and Glory is anticipated, celebrated, exaulted in.
--affects every life on earth
Well, we are quite blessed that our perspective on such Biblical prophecies about the END TIMES AND END TIMES EVENTS DO affect every life on earth--calling with the most dramatic, loudest, clearest call to date for all individuals everywhere to choose God; choose life; Choose Christ; choose eternity with God; . . . vs choose dead religion; vs choose the Anti-Christ's deceptions etc.
And PRAISE GOD for that!