That's one of the problems with long fasting...the signals from the brain that award you with feeling good about eating get twisted...and start to work backwards. And mixed with a phobic reaction makes it worse. I hope they can get her help. I have had brief bouts of it - at times my stomach was so wretched the only things I could handle were miso and plain yogurt mixed with sauerkraut [don't ask me why I could eat that and not other things. I still don't know]
Lord, be with this child...
Thank you for your reply. That's what so weird with this, she has always been the best eater out of my 4 kids. She loves to read cookbooks and watch Food Network shows, but in the past month or two, something has gone wrong. I'm hoping that if the problem is the seizures, they'll be able to adjust her medicine or find the right one to give her some relief. If that's not the problem though, I'm stumped. I have three kids with epilepsy, but this is the first time we've had this kind of symptoms.