To: smpb; Cheverus
To me it seems Protestant. And it may well be. She does not talk of her history prior to becoming Episcopalian. My limited experience of cradle Anglicans who leave Anglicanism (and all of them went either Orthodox or Roman Catholic) is more along the lines of what you describe.
18 posted on
07/13/2006 7:43:08 AM PDT by
(†† | Iran Azadi | SONY: 5yst3m 0wn3d, N0t Y0urs | NYT:Jihadi Journal)
To: sionnsar
Interesting, it has been my experience of cradle Anglicans who leave Anglicanism, that most of them went to nice conservative evangelical churches. Nevertheless, it is great that conservative view are part of the major decisions.
29 posted on
07/13/2006 3:21:36 PM PDT by
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