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“SHIFT THE NATION” Conference and Prayer Meeting
Transcribed Notes | 062606 | R. Vawter

Posted on 06/30/2006 4:01:30 PM PDT by JockoManning

Washington, D.C.
July 22-24, 2006
As reported by R. Vawter
The conference was conducted by Cindy Jacobs of Generals of Intercession. Other speakers were Dutch Sheets, Chuck Pierce, Harry Jackson, Will Ford, Mike Jacobs, and Lou Engle. This is a report of the conference from my perspective and memory. Things moved quickly, so the writing of this may seem disjointed at times, but surely this will give you an idea of how powerful the time was and will provide you with insight for future prayer.

This conference was more of a prayer meeting than a typical conference. As God had already shown our prayer group (My People) in Dallas, the leaders acknowledged that it was time for the church to take the offensive rather than the defensive against enemy forces. Since its focus primarily had to do with the Courts of the land, Washington, D.C., and the issue of abortion, each session was begun and ended as a courtroom would be – with the pounding of a judge’s gavel and the words, “This session of the heavenly court is in session” (or “is concluded.”). After talking about the various points, prayers were offered, after which decrees were made with the pounding of the gavel.

Psalm 2 was an ever-recurring theme.


Cindy Jacobs:

DECREE: Isaiah 1:18 – “Come now, and let us reason together,” says the Lord, “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”

Yesterday in a Senate briefing, Senator Brownback said the U.S. is at a pivotal time in her history. She can go down or she can fulfill her purpose. We’re called to pull down, uproot, and plant. The U.S. Supreme Court began to sit in session today – June 22.


Vision: The Captain of the Lord’s Host is standing at the gates of the city. I see fiery chariots ready for the Lord’s command. He’s saying, “Because the youth have come to such a degree, Satan is bound. I’m going to wash Washington.”

I see the Blood of the Lamb flowing over the Supreme Court.

God says, “Am I not raising up a holy standard? Deborah was the first Supreme Court Justice in her time. I am calling you to bring righteousness and holiness. Do I not have My women of holiness who will speak for the unborn? I need mothers of Israel.”

Cindy: Shift Florida and the whole south will shift against abortion.

Chuck to Katherine: "You’ll be a circuit rider.”

Cindy: Francis Willard began the suffrage movement to protect the children. Shift to women protecting children.

Thomas: (a young man who was asked to share what he’d been doing with other young people)

We did a 21-day siege on the Hustler Hollywood Club in Nashville. A holiness and purity siege. A guy came out who had mocked us. But then he got saved and delivered from bondage.

The most secular radio station came down to cover the story, and that guy gave his testimony on air. The radio station played Victory in Jesus and told everyone to pray and declare victory over bondage as the man had. This was a 21-day media fast with blindfolds on their eyes and their backs turned away from Larry Flynt's buildings.

Cindy: There’s a new generation of Thomases planting holiness and purity. You came from a generation of doubting Thomases but I’m raising a generation of faithful, holy, pure Thomases.


Ezekiel 21 – We’re at the crossroads. At a crossroads, divination comes in to stop you from hearing the voice of the Lord and from your resources.

Romans 12:1-2.

There are four dimensions here.

You must have a covenant relationship.
You must have a harvest mentality. We’ve been living on our father’s harvest.
You must have a worship mentality – a new song/sound.
You must have a warfare mentality. Four years ago I prophesied seven years of war. This was before 9/11. We’re entering the two most violent years. We need God to pour down grace to go to war and to get the spoils of war.

We need to understand the times. 2001 was the Hebrew year 5761, in September, when I prophesied this. It was heaven entering the earth realm. 9/11 was the heavens invading the earth realm. We are now in the fifth year – a year of grace. This is the year to stake our claim for the future and the end of the two years. The next year is the year of the sword. Psalm 149 [needs to be our theme].

Next year, swords will clash. Violent worship will overcome violence. As we worship violently it will separate the evil violence, those set against God’s plan. The dichotomy of good and evil will be divined in a new way.

The Court of Heaven must be reflected in the earth.

Chuck saw a time capsule pill. This is what the people must eat from now until August 10. We’re entering into a season of victory personally and in the nation. Our desert will not give up easily. Don’t listen to the words of the enemy concerning defeat. Use the Word to not accept what the enemy says.

August 9-September 5 – He saw an intercessory pill. It will work in us and the breakthrough window will come. We can’t miss it for the faith-release to occur. We must decree the divine decree.

September 5 – October 12 – I see political seats in place. It will be a repositioning move with My Spirit, and I will seat you properly for the future. There will be a divine repositioning of leaders.

October 12 – The future. Wars in the world will begin to realign. We’re in a level of human reasoning that we must break out of. We become a new threshing instrument. No longer are we the wounded flock. We will minister to the wounded and they will then rise up and minister to the wounded.

From that time forth, the clash of the swords begins. Remember we are the double-edged sword. We are entering the free-ist season we’ve ever experienced.


God is shifting prophets to generals. Daniel (verse?) – A revival in Iran. It’s a new dimension. Not a new level but a new dimension.

One week ago God told her El Qaeda was moving into Afghanistan because they want nations.

Daniel 9:20 – The shift is here. The prince of Greece is in our midst.

Daniel 7:25 – Pompous words are being spoken against the Empire of God. It means to mentally wear you out with stoicism, pessimism, cosmos cynics in the Greek spirit which is a territorial spirit that will war against your mind.

We must see by the Spirit. The cosmos is the Lord's. The Greek spirit uses the same words but differently from God.

We must have the teaching gift.

Satan is trying to wear you down physically, spiritually, financially. “To wear out” will affect the mind. When you’re worn down, you get diverted and the enemy comes in.

If we shift the mind of the people you’ll shift the nation.

Daniel 7:26-27. We’re in the beginning of the Saints Movement.

We need our eyes opened. The left eye is the seer. The right eye is the prophetic.

Dutch – He related a dream that had a Safeway store, a gray door with the number 601 on it. God told him, “What I’m going to do, you can’t get there the Safeway because I’m doing other things.

Gray = wisdom. 601 = revelation in Strong’s Concordance. It is revelation married to wisdom that will defeat the Greek spirit.

Isaiah 1 & 2.

His mentor, Sam, told him that God had told him, “I’m going to wash Washington." Cindy said it also. [My friend, Scott, in Atlanta, was told the same thing by God a month ago.]

God is coming to bring judgment but also mercy. While standing on the House floor recently, God told him, “Release My judgments on the land.”

The 101st Airborne was responsible for major victory in WWII and it was said, “Never has so much been owed to so few.” The 101st Airborne was also, literally, a part of taking out Zarkawi one week after he prayed on the House floor.

(Judgments are not always bad.)

Every time we pick up the sword, God acts. God said, “I am come to this city with a drawn sword.” He was able to go to the dome of the Capitol building – the high place in the nation to make decrees.

If we pick up the sword now and go all the way, we can see this nation changed.

2 Samuel 5: The Master of Breakthrough. Daniel 7:26 – The battle for the Court is the battle for the soul of the nation.

DECREE: Zechariah 9:12-13 (against the Greek spirit), an awakening of the people and the church, a breaker anointing, that we are God’s flaming arrows and will not pull back or faint or succumb. Daniel 6:25-26.

RELEASED: The judgment of the Lord. The sword and arrows. Awakening of the arm of the Lord. The motion and movement of the Lord. The U.K. will fight and minister as allies of the U.S. Strength to America.

The sword of the Lord against the enemies of America. Against the structures of the enemy.

Cindy shared that in at a meeting in England she had decreed the overthrow of Darwinism. That night repentance happened in the gathering. Recently a member of Parliament said, “We are winning the war against Darwinism."

I also hear a death knoll ringing for racism.

Dutch is to go as a son of Paul Revere to Philadelphia where the bell of liberty stands cracked.

DECREE: There is no other God over America. We decree and appropriate the piercing of Jesus for the mind of America. A holy alliance between Washington and Jerusalem. The darkness over the Supreme Court is vanishing. [The end of] Greek thinking, sororities, and fraternities. June 22, Delta Phi Epsilon was birthed on this day.

We’re on the court today in the heat. [The air conditioning system in the church where we were meeting had frozen up and there was no A/C. It was extremely hot and humid, and we were packed into the auditorium like sardines.]

This is symbolic just as the Miami Heat overthrew the Dallas Mavericks (rebellion). The spiritual legislature will come down to the natural legislature. Isaiah 22:22 was given to Katherine but is for us too on this, the 22nd day of June.

The conference ended this first night with the people making a roar of the Lion of Judah. That night, there was an incredible display of lightning high in the heavens over Washington, D.C.



At a Liberty meeting in Miami, it was announced that a terrorist plot had been found in Chicago with ties to Florida.

In 1997, Ken Copeland said that a power and deliverance would run in the streets of the Nation's Capital and in Maryland. They would join with Brownwood and Toronto and Azusa Street. Everyone will want to go to D.C. and Maryland. “I will bring a new and fresh respect for this city and nation.”

A lady shared that with her on the 19th, she dreamed she was playing on the Miami Heat in a championship game, scoring consistently. They won by a few points. I’m from Texas and I wanted the Dallas Mavericks to win the basketball championship but look at the symbolism. A maverick is an independent, especially in politics. They lost to the Miami Heat on June 19 and Wade of Miami was the MVP in the game (Think, Roe vs. Wade).

Further symbolism: On June 23, Frederick C. Douglas was the first black man nominated for President of the U.S. in 1888.


In 1998 God said,” Divine aversion.” Isaiah 33.22 For the Lord is our Judge, the Lord is our Lawgiver, the Lord is our King; He will save us.

He is the government. The law, the King, the congress. The U.S. was founded that way. As time went on, the government began to place itself above God.

In January 2000 Alan Parker met Norma McCorvey decided to fight Roe vs. Wade. And God said, “I’m going to make the Supreme Court put the man in office who will undo them (of Roe vs. Wade)”

Nehemiah 6 – The walls are up but the gates (courts) are not.

In 2002, a key was given in Isaiah 22:22. 2004 would begin the second term. A dream was given to a girl Dutch knows about a football game in which a double reverse was played. A double reverse is the number 22. [We began the conference on the 22nd. Since many believe that a shift began to happen on the Global Day of Prayer, this would be a double reverse.]

In 2005, two Justices came on board. It was a double reverse. A war is going on now as to who will be in power. When it happens, it will reverse a 60 year stronghold to legislate God out. (Since 1947.)

Right now it’s a 4-4 tie. Winner take all. Do not put this fight into the hands of man. We are in a position to lead in the Spirit.

Daniel 7. If we lose this war, it will be by default. We are no longer discerning the times and seasons; now we’re decreeing the times. Micah 6:8 – He’s shown you what to DO.

In Hebrew, the meaning is to create justice. We’ve moved into this place. We demand justice in the courts and white hats in congress.

2 Samuel 5 – Get into kingly intercession. Priests offer up intercession. There were stages in David’s walk to the throne.

Royal is when kings have the scepter and proclaim downward the superiority of our God.

David waited 13 years after he was anointed to be king. He was king over Judah for seven years in Hebron – which means friendship, intimacy with God.

When he shifted to the throne, he shifted to a new level of war and breakthrough. He also took the kingly roll of humility. Israel united. But the Jebusites said, “You can’t come in here with the blind and lame.”

We have to say, “We will win this war!” Then the Philistines came against him twice in the valley of the giants – Rephium. He’d already defeated Goliath 20 years before but not the principality. Giant = vigorous.

When we win, the place of the giants becomes the place of victory. God told David to wait until you hear the sound in the trees. We must tune into the sound. Then act quickly and get over there.

DECREE: Another vacancy filled with someone who will honor God.

Allen Parker decreed: No unholy political alliance. Enemy crushed. Total victory. Covenant with death broken. Break the tie tonight.

PROPHECY: Appointments of generals on every side. (Generalship is apostleship).

DECREE: Psalm 21.


A boy was given the idea for the Life tape in a dream. In the dream he was before the Supreme Court.

He pulled the tape off his mouth and shouted, “It is done!” It is shifted.

An African American woman hit the gavel many, many times. Then a young boy in the audience prayed, “It is finished like You said on the cross." It was 11:19 a.m.

Harry Jackson:

He has High Impact and is a Democrat. He told a Christian media group, “The only reason you think we’re in a post-Christian era is because you’ve abdicated your position as a prophetic voice. If we get past being intimidated, we’ll advance.

James 2:18-24 – We expect the heathen to do what’s right while we just pray.

We have to show up and do the work. Work a campaign.

Donate to a political party? You quote Zechariah 4:6 but you need to remember Ezekiel 13:1-5.

Prophets are bold in the prayer room but won’t do so in the public arena where it’s dangerous.

In the natural, Israel couldn’t see the breaches in the wall. It’s the prophetic voice that will open the eyes.

What would happen if we prophetic people took it a step further and worked for what we believe? Ezekiel 22:27-30. Princes, priests, prophets and people. The princes were the political and business people. God is bringing His justice into the earth. He’s judging the nations. Put faith and action with your prayers. Joel 3:9-11 – there was a drought because of sin.

Chapter 1 – repent elders, religious leaders, everybody.
Chapter 2 – God says He will restore Restoration is first.
Chapter 3 – I’m whistling to say, “I’m going to pick a fight with your enemies.” You’re going to fight. Verse 9 – Proclaim: prepare for war. Attack!!!

You’re called to war on the outside with peace on the inside. Verse 10 – You’re a weakling in your own sight. Verse 11 – Justice. Show up and you win.

DECREE: African American and white and Latino united in one body, one church. One church with one voice in the political, church and business arena. Fears that have kept the African American church bound by one political party and white people by a different political party to be removed. Perfect love casts out fear.

Maryland will marry the land. Streams, Maryland is the division line. It will become a Psalm 1 river of righteousness.

PROPHECY: I’ll uproot the trees of mockery. If the Republicans shift to the left and if the Democrats don’t shift to the right regarding abortion, there will be an exodus from both and a new party will form that won’t split the vote.

I’m doing a new thing. I’m going to shift the Senate.

I’m going to remove some and bring others in. Will Ford will execute My covenant, My will. Lou Engle will have favor in African American universities.

Put out The Cause. Go to the campuses in Atlanta: Morehouse and Stetson.

Marry the warriors. There will be a blood and fire generation. There will be a battle in Atlanta. Marry the land O God!

Will Ford:

He read Revelation 12:3; 2 Corinthians 10:3; Daniel 12:3; 2 Samuel 15. He had us say, “Stop” 10 times in quick succession. Then quickly asked, “What do you do at a stop sign?” Most of the people answered, “Go.” Next he had us say the word, “folk” 10 times very fast. “What do you call the white of an egg?” The audience all said, “Yolk.”

He said this was due to the pressure of time and the influence of others. In the same way, spiritual influence affects the atmosphere.

Atmosphere affects the attitude. Attitude affects the climate. Climate affects moods. Moods are reflected in music. Music is the only thing that affects both sides of the brain. Expectancy is created. Go from expectancy to a release system.

This is why the teacher is the most influential person in society.

A release system becomes a stronghold. A stronghold is a mindset that is impregnated with what is contrary to the word of God.

(Ed Silvoso)

Dysfunction then becomes an abnormality. A stronghold becomes a culture, a way of life. The word culture comes from cultivate. This is how kingdoms increase their realm. Amos 9:11 You change the atmosphere. 2 Samuel 15 there are two different types of people. Ahithophel was David’s best friend, he turned on David. Ahithophel was Bathsheba’s grandfather. He hadn’t dealt with his heart issues. He lines up with Absalom to overthrow the man who violated his granddaughter. Absalom got him when in temple (vs. 12).

People will use religion to advance their own agenda. Ahithophel is a spin doctor. He got 200 innocent people to walk with him. People hanging on the fence are influenced by the influential people who don’t know what’s going on. There’s a different parallel universe from ours.

Influence: a 1918 dictionary defines it as “1. an ethereal fluid that flows from the stars to affect the people. 2. An occult power coming from the stars. Job 38:31 2 Corinthians ? 3. same root as influenza. There is the second level influenza. In Judges 5:20 Deborah had this understanding. Jael annihilated the influence of the man.

Jesus is the Bright and Morning Star.

Hushai was a secret FBI agent. He traded his favor with David for influence with Absalom. 1 Samuel 18:6 – He was successful because David had bound on earth what was in heaven. He waited for the angelic army in the trees.

Absalom and Ahithophel knew how to move the hearts of men.


David knew how to move the heart of God.

Celebrities will be bound under the second level of the heavenlies. Stars promote God’s kingdom. In 1961, The Supreme Court said that Humanism is a religion. In 1962, they said prayer was out of the schools. The mood changed and the Beatles provided the music and sang about drugs, sex, etc. The prayer cover was removed.

Kennedy was shot. Timothy Leary was prominent. Self became a stronghold. Promiscuity. Abortion. Margaret Sanger.

Margaret Sanger was a eugenics-ist, a sophisticated racist, an atheist involved in the occult. She had written newsletters for Hitler. Her project was to sterilize and abort babies. She started Planned Parenthood – 75% of which are located in ethnic neighborhoods. 35% of abortions are in 11% of the population. 

Legalized abortion resulted in lower crime:

"Unwanted, unplanned, unintended people are better off dead." (sic).

Moloch is the star god.

Prostate cancer is big in ethnic communities. It is in some men who haven’t repented for their part in an abortion.

Prayer for people involved in abortion. He’d shared his part in aborting his firstborn son. Prayer was given for abortion in England.

A couple prayed who have adopted two children who were supposed to be aborted. In 2000, their daughter, Rachel, was the only adoption in England that wasn’t a family adoption. All other unwanted children were aborted. Family services in England can force a woman to abort in order to keep her other children.

Mike Jacobs:

We can’t shift the nation without shifting the church. We have shifted from equipping the saints to ministry and mission in the world to equipping the saints to minister in the church. A cessationalist [I think he meant a dispensationalist] can only invite you into a religion without power. God wants to shift your nation as He shifts the church. We have a right and the ability to rule and reign.


Mosel (Nineveh) was the only city that repented at the word of the prophet. They worshipped Moloch who required the burning of babies. Daniel 27 – I watched tall thrones as they were put in place. Moloch was also the god of war. We want Isaiah 60, peace in the land.

Another person under Zarkawi was captured.

DECREE: over all El Qaeda members in Maylaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, etc. Every place there is terrorism killing innocent life. Isaiah 2. Legislation in the heavens for judgment on violence.

PROPHECY: Look at Egypt. I’m going to shake, shake, shake. Seal off terrorism, release across the Body of Christ to tear down, uproot, and destroy. This is a Jeremiah 1:10 season.

A couple, Dick and Barbara, who were celebrating their 50th anniversary, were honored. They live across from the Supreme Court building. Dick has been faithfully gathering men to pray for the Court and the government for decades.

When given the microphone, he said,  “God says, ‘My problem is not with the women. It’s with the men.' [In his opinion,], If the men want to be a part of what I’m doing, they need to be up at 4:00 o’clock, meeting with other men at 5:00 o’clock for two hours. If the devil can’t scare you out, he’ll buy you out. The marketplace is important."

The evening plans were interrupted by holy laughter. Cindy kept trying to bring order but finely quoted Wigglesworth who said, “Laughter in the Holy Ghost brings you out of everything.” If God’s going laugh, He’s going to laugh through us.

PROPHECIES: I have manifested Myself in many ways but I now come as I Am. I am loosing My CIA into the nation for my prophets have intelligence.

PRAYER OR PROPHECY: Turn one of the satellites to expose evil.

PROPHECY: Cindy - I am uncovering in Northern Ireland a cache of weapons. They are being exposed. The weapons of mass destruction in Syria will be exposed. There will be a light of conviction, a spotlight on the desert. Key Street will be exposed. There will be a mighty shaking.

I’m seeing revival Angels with a sickle in their hands. I see uncovering on DuPont Circle. Look to Boston for I am massing in Massachusetts. Will I not fall like fire on Harvard?

A student prayed for the arts and humanities at Harvard: I decree against the Greek theater. We repent that the arts have taken over Harvard. (gavel)


He’s been ratifying what we’ve decreed and turning the captivity. The word says, “He’ll fill our mouth with laughter.” A new door has opened. There is a time to pray, a time to do it and decree it. We’ve done it, and tonight I want to set the captive free. The Court is in session for those in affliction in the audience to be healed.



Direction has been given to shift the mid-term elections. We are convening the court of heaven. The Lion of Judah is the lawgiver. The mace (rod) is used when the court is out of order. II Samuel 21 – We must deal with the broken covenants in the land.

A woman came up with a book of all the 350 treaties that were broken with the Native Americans. A key had been given to her Oklahoma City to use at the appropriate time to deal with the First Nations Covenant root.

People from England, Ireland, and Scotland presented her the key to unlock the Native Resolution Apology which is currently stuck in the Senate Floor and in the House Committee. She felt that this day was the appropriate day to use the key. It was declared unstuck.

PROPHECY: I’m going to unlock the Four Corners. Go to the rodeo there and unlock.

Martha ? : [A woman who has been working on the issue of Freemasonry in both England and the U.S. ]

The 24th is when free masonry was first established in London. It’s called the Mother Ship. We’ve dealt with the invisible symbols that God established that man has stolen. July 21-22 we will be dealing with the foundation of freemasonry in the U.S.

Jesus is My name; Souls is My game and I’m kicking in the gates of the enemy.

Lou Engle:

Psalm 2 – We’re beginning to get an imperial vision for intercession. God rules from the top down. Satan pulls the people from the bottom and puts them on top. It’s all about perspective. He wants us to see that we’re standing above.

When the church begins to take the perspective of heaven, we’ll win. There is a Judge above the judges. There’s a hill above Capitol Hill. There’s a war above war. God creates a crises to create a prayer. Things change in a day when people pray.

He’s not going to come until the church learns to rule. There is no decree without a crucifixion. We’ve got to pay the price.

The enemy says break their bonds. God says I’ll break the enemy's bonds. In 1996, during a 40-day fast, I saw a vision of a Buddhist house of prayer over the church. My job is to raise up a contending house of prayer over every other house. A prayer meeting will never contend with a prayer culture. We’re big on events but should be big on occupation. 

We have a prayer event, win a victory, then back off. We need a prayer altar. We need a recognition of generals to mobilize the troops. There’s a new activist generation coming who are fed up. Stand up and intercede over My body. Decree a flashpoint in San Diego.

The ending of the antichrist spirit over America. Our fight is against systemic systems. Systems of thought. You move from prayer into intercession when you’re willing to die for it.

Pornography is a slave trade. Government is to terrorize evil doers. Move into a new mentality called SIEGE. An intercessor is one who takes responsibility for what they pray. If you lose, it’s your fault.

The anatomy of a house of prayer is an assignment. You don’t shoot scattered prayer. You want revival. Where? Hang around the dream team to get the prayer stream.

A city-wide house of prayer needs to be a breakthrough house. Ezekiel 13, board meeting. Using the word Life written on tape and put over the mouths of the young people laying siege to the Supreme Court is a brilliant strategy. Siege is a military blockade of a fortified place to compel it to surrender.

Jeremiah 32:? It’s an offensive military operation. Luke 18. 'You can "harass" God.'

God wants to put draft notices on kids. We want to take the old PTL grounds for a School of Intercession for high school graduates, then send them to college. We did 21-day prayer before the Supreme Court to break the filibuster of Alleto.

We need a new attitude for the Body of Christ. It’s called, “I don’t want to play for a losing team.” When you are an intercessor, you’re restrained with ropes.

He told the story of his basketball career. He’s in the high school Hall of Fame. Every time God gives him a dream of a basketball game, it is about the Supreme Court. He learned there is a basketball court on the third floor of the Supreme Court building above where the Court meets.

We’re in the darkest days of the U.S. We’re here to shift, get rid of the counsel of despair. Psalm 2:6; Ezekiel 22:3

In Arizona, is a man running for governor who wants to overturn abortion. In Nashville, God spoke that there would be a block of southern states against abortion. In 1992, God told him that the ACLU would totally shut down for lack of funds.

DECREE: By Allen Parker – Death to the ACLU He held the scales of justice. They put a plumb line over the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. We’ll tip it several ways. It is the key to the whole U.S. The flash point will be San Diego. Several men were decreed to win key races. I only got down two names: Jim Garlow and Keith Butler.

After the conference a prayer tour was offered by The National Prayer Embassy around the government buildings.

In a later, personal talk with our friend, George Pond, who works with Allen Parker to overturn abortion on demand, I learned the following:

On July 31, Doe vs. Bolton will be submitted to the Supreme Court. When won, it will strike down partial birth abortion. Bolton was the Attorney General in Georgia. Doe is Sandra Cayno who was tricked by her lawyer. She thought she was signing divorce papers. Like Roe vs. Wade, the case is fraught with fraud and deceit.

If the Supreme Court overturns Doe, they will have to overturn Roe vs. Wade. Otherwise it can’t be submitted again unless new conditions come up. A new condition, such as, if Texas were to make a ban on abortion which was then contested.

The evidence and documents the team put together (which the Supreme Court refused to look at) are now being used by the individual states as a basis for their bans, so all that work is being used.

R. Vawter


TOPICS: Charismatic Christian; General Discusssion; Prayer; Religion & Culture; Religion & Politics
KEYWORDS: cindyjacobs; conference; generalsintercession; intercession; jacobs; prayer; prayermeeting
Recurring theme of meeting:

Psalm 2

1Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

2The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,

3Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

4He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the LORD shall have them in derision.

5Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.

6Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.

7I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.

8Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.

9Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.

10Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.

11Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

12Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

1 posted on 06/30/2006 4:01:39 PM PDT by JockoManning
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To: Alamo-Girl; Quix

Here are some notes transcribed by a friend of mine.


2 posted on 06/30/2006 4:03:44 PM PDT by JockoManning (
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To: Quix; Alamo-Girl; All

In Cindy Jacobs' words:

Report from Shift the Nation Conference in Washington, DC

“I am going to wash Washington.”

This was the prophetic word God gave me during the opening session of Shift the Nation on June 22, 2006 in Washington, DC. Both Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce ministered that night, and Dutch shared that Prophet Sam Brassfield had called him earlier that day and given him an urgent word about God “washing Washington.” Chuck Pierce then prophesied that the city and surrounding area was going to flood.

As we opened the session, I described the vision God was showing me of the Captain of the Lord of Hosts waiting to come into the city. I also saw angels in chariots of fire encircling the area, waiting to be invited in as well.

I had never before seen a vision where angels were waiting for an invitation, but this is what I clearly saw and heard from the Lord. I asked one of the youth leaders of the Justice House of Prayer to invite them into the area. We knew both from our intercession and the worship, led by Klaus Kuehn and the worship team, that there was tremendous warfare in the heavens that night. Not only were we interceding for the upcoming mid-term elections in our nation, but for righteousness and justice to be released into the courts.

That night after the meeting, the skies over the Capital looked like the bombing of Baghdad. Lightning and thunder rocked the skies and the rain began to fall. Over the weekend, the rain increased. The skies looked like the heavens would, with the angelic host fighting the powers of darkness over the city. There was war in the heavenlies!

The news services on Monday June 26, 2006 reported in the natural what the prophets prophesied at Shift the Nation. One part of the city was flooded with a five feet deep mudslide covering the Capital Beltway road for one mile. One of our prayers during the conference was for corruption to be exposed and for God to build a “highway of holiness” across the nation and the Lord has spoken to us quite a bit about an Isaiah 35 holiness movement in Washington, DC.

In addition, as intercessors have been praying about the Free Masonic designs in the original layout of the Federal district by L’Enfant Plaza, the L’Enfant portion of the metrorail subway system in DC was stopped because of water on the electrical lines.

I also saw a vision the first night of a huge old tree being pushed back and forth until the roots were loosened from the soil. Considerable time was spent asking the Lord to “uproot” one more Supreme Court justice to help give the votes needed to overturn Roe vs. Wade. God gave us two remarkable signs as the news reported on June 26 that “Not even the White House could escape the damage, as a 100-year-old American elm tree fell near the front door.” (Ginsberg and Vogel. Roads, Rails, Federal Offices Deluged. Floods Swamp Homes, Strand Drivers; Mud Closes Beltway. Washington Post. Monday, June 26, 2006; Page A01).

Additionally, The Washington Post reported that the Justice Department located on Constitution Avenue was shut down for a whole day on June 26, 2006. We also prayed and spoke about Ezekiel 47:9-11 which speaks of the river that flows from the throne of God and brings life to where ever it flows. It is one of the most classic passages on revival. As the waters rose in the city, fish were found washed up from the flood for the first time in memory - and fish are a symbol of revival!

The first night of the services, the Lord spoke to me about Florida being a key to turn the tide against abortion in this nation. A congressional leader from Florida was present that night and we felt God had given keys (Isaiah 22:22) to changing the nation to Florida. This tied in with a recent word the Lord spoke to me while preaching at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, TN. The prophecy said that there was going to be a block of southern states that would outlaw abortion, similar to what South Dakota has done.

It is interesting to note that the conference took place in the Chevy Chase neighborhood of Washington, DC, which is the northwest gate of the city. Right across the street is the state of Maryland. God spoke that he was going to “marry Maryland”, meaning that there was going to be a move of the Holy Spirit, as well as a holiness cleansing. Maryland is also flooding.

Each of these instances by themselves might not seem very significant, but together they are marked. I have rarely ever felt the connection between heaven and earth as much as in this past weekend’s gathering at Chevy Chase Baptist Church; the Kingdom of God coming to earth and the will of God being released as we interceded for the nation.

Cindy Jacobs

June 26, 2006

3 posted on 06/30/2006 11:49:39 PM PDT by JockoManning (
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To: JockoManning; Alamo-Girl; del4hope; Las Vegas Dave; Sir Francis Dashwood; F16Fighter; pbrown; ...


I hope this is the beginning of God making Himself and His will more vividly, overtly and plainly known. Many folks need very vivid and in-their-face object lessons to even begin to get a clue.

The forces of darkness have been plainly increasing vividly enough.

Where is the Lord God of Elijah? Let God arise and His enemies be scattered! PTL. Amen!

4 posted on 07/01/2006 4:29:23 AM PDT by Quix (PRAY AND WORK WHILE THERE'S DAY! Many very dark nights are looming. Thankfully, God is still God!)
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To: Quix

Am glad to read Cindy Jacobs' statement after having read the notes my friend had taken.

My highlights:

I had never before seen a vision where angels were waiting for an invitation, but this is what I clearly saw and heard from the Lord. ... there was tremendous warfare in the heavens that night. Not only were we interceding for the upcoming mid-term elections in our nation, but for righteousness and justice to be released into the courts.

That night after the meeting .... Lightning and thunder rocked the skies and the rain began to fall. Over the weekend, the rain increased. The skies looked like the heavens would, with the angelic host fighting the powers of darkness over the city. ...

One part of the city was flooded with a five feet deep mudslide covering the Capital Beltway road for one mile. One of our prayers during the conference was for corruption to be exposed and for God to build a “highway of holiness” across the nation and the Lord has spoken to us quite a bit about an Isaiah 35 holiness movement in Washington, DC.



We also prayed and spoke about Ezekiel 47:9-11 which speaks of the river that flows from the throne of God and brings life to where ever it flows. It is one of the most classic passages on revival. As the waters rose in the city, fish were found washed up from the flood for the first time in memory - and fish are a symbol of revival!

5 posted on 07/01/2006 8:32:50 AM PDT by JockoManning (
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To: JockoManning

Thank you oh so very much for the post and the ping!

6 posted on 07/01/2006 8:46:22 AM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Alamo-Girl

You are welcome.


7 posted on 07/01/2006 9:45:43 AM PDT by JockoManning (
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