I guess he doesn't watch Sister Act in his spare time.
Pop music is entertainment, not worship. I agree with the pope.
We have a great parish, but I do miss the traditional hymns, many of which are beautiful. It's sad that most of the songs that are sung are from the mid eighties or more recent.
Good call, worship needs to be different than a Madonna concert
I agree with the Pope too, and I'm not even Catholic. And I agree with your comment: contemporary "worship" music is more entertainment than worship.
The Pope is right on in his pronouncement. Now I hope he follows up and actually does away with this music in all masses, Teen masses included. Then I hope he does away with lay readers of Holy Scripture in mass. I say this as an orthodox Lutheran.
Just came back from a Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod convention where some pop junk with lots of drums was played during Holy Communion. Disgusting. We once knew how to worship God, but now we worship ourselves. It's all about us and how groovy some old baby boomers mistakenly think they are. Young people just roll their eyes and wait for them to die. It will be good riddance in virtually every church body in America.