The only biblical warrant for divorce is adultery or abandonment by a non-believing spouse. It is simply not to be permitted in any other case. Is there forgiveness restoration and grace availible for divorcers and divorcees? Absolutley. But in this case it was never sought. It was a case of willfull, premeditated, and consistent rebellion. If you think I was going to let him come into the church and partake of the Lord's body and blood in the presence of the wife he abandoned, I don't have the authority to subvert God's word and order in that way.
I don't disagree with your statement there as I think it is supported quite well by scripture. However, what is abandonment? Do you think that the word simply means 'depart' as it states in the good King Jimmy? Or does it mean abandoned as in 'one leaves the institution of marriage'? How do you respond to Poster No 5? What would you advise him to do (or have done) in his case? When two people marry, it is essentially a contract to have sex (and if they are Christians, in the manner that is prescribed and approved of by God). What is the appropriate recourse for a man or a woman who has married in good faith with that natural understanding and the other person decides to arbitrarily withhold the marital duties and responsibilites of sex with his or her partner? I'm not talking about a day or a week for physical reasons but for months and years as texan75010 has articulated. That is a contract breaker no? What is the appropriate response - and let's assume that one has already gone the routes of talking to the pastor, seeking counseling, trips to the doctor etc etc etc.