"Ever thought of a country where churches would be free to guide their faithful in how they should live their faith, including how they should apply their faith to the political arena? Nah, I guess if they want free speech they should pay the government for it."
A. It's not coincidental that the majority of illegal aliens are Catholic, thus the RCC's desire to "accept them"...since that means more money in the coffers.
B. Tax the hell out of 'em. I guess in your opinion, the "liberal answer" also involves breaking laws, since churches aren't allowed to be political in nature, a violation of their ridiculous tax-free status?
TAX 'EM. Then, they can preach whatever they want.
I'm glad you admit to having no concern of the Bill of Rights whatsoever.
Freedom of speech. Freedom of religion.
But the power to tax is the power to destroy, so you seek to tax speech and tax churches.
The illegals in my little town must be in the minority. They rarely show their faces in church. They seem to be in pursuit of their own gods, money and sexual license.
They left the restrictions of church and family behind when they came to El Norte.