First, radical religion this encompasses everything from the Pat Robertson-Jerry Falwell types to the attacks on medicine and science and the Left Behind books with their End Times and Armageddon scenarios... After George W. Bush narrowly won a second term in 2004, which meant four more years of Religious Right power
The above language basically calls mainstream figures like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell as well as President Bush theocrats. That is simply a ridiculous charge and Mr. Phillips should be ashamed of himself, and you too if you are doing so.
Attacks on medicine and science are not 'traditional Christian' in any sense I recognize, and I grew up in as conservative a Catholic family as you could find. I won't criticize Left Behind, because entertainment is entertainment; I enjoy the Flashman novels, but I'd hate it to be thought I endorse his philosophy of life. But a large part of the society believing in imminent Armageddon is scary.