Yesterday I was looking at a FR post on the politics/activist? forum titled "Egyptian producer plans first Arab film on Jesus". One point that was made was that the producer planned to run his project by the local Coptic Christian community for input. There were a number of comments, some sceptical, some interested, some with questions. One person asked "What ever became of the Coptics?". Having recently bought a book on ancient civilizations of Africa, I posted a detailed answer. I went back a few hours later to see if there was feedback and was astonished to find the entire thread had been pulled.
Any idea why this would happen? I also entered the title here at the religious forum to see if it was moved. Didn't find it. I am totally puzzled and a little disturbed as there was only one comment after mine, and I couldn't see anything alarming about the thread except it indicated some chance of cooperation between Chrisians and Muslims.
No idea why it would have been pulled...