If there is ever to be a change on the discipline and teaching of the Anglican Communion [on homosexuality] it should not be the decision of one church alone, he said."
Since when did we get approval to "change" the Word? And what the matter how many churches agree?
"And what the matter how many churches agree?"
There in one sentence you just covered all of the problems with ECUSA and all over the left wing of the theological spectrum (Protestantism). God did not found churches (plural). He founded a church (singular).
We cannot change the word of God. There is no way to make the Word say that the deadly practice of homosexuality is acceptable.
I read an interesting article, however, that shows the silly arguments of those who make such efforts. The article pointed out that they are not attempting to convince anyone outside their "reach" that they have valid biblical input. They are simply attempting to provide a "dodge" to those who want to engage in that sinful practice and attend a church.
Therefore, they make outlandish claims that "homosexuality" is not the problem in the Sodom story in Genesis, but that "group rape" or "inhospitality" is the problem.
They're not interested in scholarship; they're interested in a utilitarian rationalization.