The “evil days” are here folks and have been ever since Jesus ascended back to His Father in Heaven. What do you all think a quarter of a million people being killed in one year just in natural disasters is but astoundingly evil tribulation? Wars and rumors of wars? Nations rising against nation and kingdom agains kingdom? What were all the world wars and other numerous wars we see today and have seen in which MILLIONS of human beings have been killed other than tribulation? What was the Holocaust but tribulation with a capital “T”? A thousand years is as one day with the Lord and one day as a thousand years. Perhaps we have five thousand more year days to go before Christ returns - it should not matter. We need to be ready all the time and pray. Most of us would like to not have to face mortal death, but rather to be “changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye” and have our completed mortal bodies put on immortality; but whatever happens, the Lord has it all under control, perfect control. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord; He will take care of us, and He is faithful. He is in the NOW and time is no factor to Him.
So, you’re saying this is as bad as it’s going to get?