The topic of annulment was brought up a few times. It is not logically related at all. With Terri's death the marriage of Michael and Terri was legally dissolved. Had Michael divorced her, he would need an annulment in order to marry. But as it is he was free to remarry in the Church, generally speaking, as he was a widower. The only reason for the Church to prevent his second marriage was Canon 1090 preventing murderers from contracting a marriage that became otherwise possible because of the murder.
No no you missed me I understand that an annulement is not required in this case...completely understand. However, i do believe this new marriage is an issued because of the doctorine on euthanasia. Shivo ended the life of his wife . That is against canon law and why i feel this marriage should not have been recognized by the church
What I was pointing out although not directly related. The policy on annulments is very tedious and now being imposed on non-catholics, yet, this guy was allowed to marry inside the church despite, having children with another woman while married, committing adultry and participating in the euthanizing of his wife, which of course dissolved the marriage, she died.
It was just a bit unnerving to read this. Nothing more and I definately and personally understand the issue of annulment. We are having to put two non catholics though the annulment process now.
The paradox seems wrong to me that's all. But like I said, God will sort it out in the end.