I dont know why you are so bitter against the mormon church, but you just need to know when and where to post. You just need to take your bitterness some place else. This is a post about a missionary being killed and all you do is bash his beliefs.
I agree.
What tremendous courage these two missionaries had...courage that can come only from the Holy Spirit.
Joshua fought back, even after being severely wounded, and managed to run to a nearby nursing home to get help for his Brother missionary.
I hope justice prevails in this case.
It reminds me of the Mormon family who were visiting NYC a few years ago when set upon by the same kind of scum as this shooter. It happened in the NYC subway. The young son of the Mormon couple stepped in an set himself between his mother and the attackers, and paid with his life.
It points up the juxtaposition of two cultures in our society, one, the culture of life, and the other, the culture of death.