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Mormon missionary shot and killed in Chesapeake, Virginia
The Virginian Pilot ^ | 1/2/2005 | Jim Washington

Posted on 01/02/2006 7:39:23 PM PST by gregwest

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To: Palladin

And you are making personal attacks. Unlike me, babe.

201 posted on 01/03/2006 2:27:44 PM PST by Californiajones ("The apprehension of beauty is the cure for apathy" - Thomas Aquinas)
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To: Californiajones

Ah, where to start...

You correctly paraphrased Revelation. The key is that Revelation talks about adding to "THIS book." To what book would John be referring? You seem to think it's the Bible, but of course that can't be so, because the Bible didn't even exist at the time, nor was it really even in the works. Second, even if he was talking about the Bible (which he obviously was not), it has undergone countless changes throughout the years, adding and subtracting to and from what is considered canon. The Bible you use today has undergone numerous additions and subtractions, so I guess by using it you're in the same camp as those who use the Book of Mormon.

Of course, however, you're not, because logically the book to which John is referring can only be the Book of Revelation itself. It's a warning about changing or editing the revelation that he received. Of course, Mormons have not done this, because they believe the Bible is the word of God and believe in Revelation, having not changed it.

Your next point quotes Galations, regarding the preching of other gospels. Mormons do not preach other gospels, they (claim to) preach the true gospel of Christ. Unfortunately, many aspects of the gospel had been or were unclear - this really can't be refuted, how else can one explain all the various sects? Mormonism teaches what they believe to be the true gospel of Christ, unchanged (as Paul requires). Of course, this is what all the other Christian faiths do as well - they teach what they believe to be the true gospel, but due to the uncertainties in the Bible, the best they can do is teach their personal interpretation. Mormonism, on the other hand, at least claims to have input from God in clearing up these uncertainties. All other faiths, by their own admission, can only hope to be preaching the true gospel that Paul speaks of. Nothing was added.

As for visiting the Americas, in John 10:16 Jesus says that he has other sheep who will hear his voice. This can easily be seen as Him saying that he is going to the Americas. Oh, and your "recollection" of the Book of Mormon is (shockingly) incorrect - Christ does appear to the people in the Americas in the flesh. This is because he has been ressurected.

Next, you say the Bible doesn't address Baptisms for the Dead? Check out 1 Corinthians 15:29 (Or else what will they do who are baptized for the dead? If the dead aren't raised at all, why then are they baptized for the dead?). Sounds like the saints were performing baptisms for the dead, and from the context of 1 Corinthins 15, it sounds like the the leaders of the church approved of this practice.

Finally, you are correct that we should test the spirit to see if something is from God. However, it seems as though you have failed to actually apply this admonition. Your convictions seem to be based upon your interpretations of text and on what you have been fed by anti-mormon sources. Have you ever actually read the Book of Mormon to test it by the spirit, by actually praying and asking the spirit to let you know whether or not it is true? It seems to me that you are using the tests of man and not the spirit to reach your conclusions.

202 posted on 01/03/2006 2:30:02 PM PST by ScratchHatch
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To: JCEccles

"One of the missionaries in our area here in Utah"

Mormon missionaries in Utah?

Isn't that kind of like sending Catholic missionaries to the Vatican?

203 posted on 01/03/2006 2:32:11 PM PST by BeHoldAPaleHorse (MORE COWBELL! MORE COWBELL! (CLANK-CLANK-CLANK))
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To: Californiajones

"Your soliloquy on comparing Micah and Alma (! scary!) falls apart immediately because those old Testament prophets were stoned, honey, for speaking the word of God."

FYI - so were many Book of Mormon prophets. Another surprising example of you making assumptions that you know nothing about.

204 posted on 01/03/2006 2:32:35 PM PST by ScratchHatch
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To: Californiajones

Gutenberg Bible 1455. In Latin. IN 1150, it would have been in Latin, too, but handwritten. King James 1611. Geneva Bible: 1560. First book printed in English is generally believed to be Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye, 1475.

University of Cambridge, for instance, was founding in this general time period (about 1135), and a bit later in the century, Henry II would forbid students to go abroad to study at the University of Paris (1167).

This WAS the height of the 12th Century renaissance, but printing was a bit down the road.

205 posted on 01/03/2006 2:34:55 PM PST by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: Californiajones
Apparently the page containing Luke 14:11 is missing from your Bible.
206 posted on 01/03/2006 2:35:02 PM PST by Mr. Lucky
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To: Wolfgang_Blitzkrieg; Admin Moderator
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Is it too much to ask you Wolfgang_Blitzkrieg to stay on topic this is not about which religion is right, it is about young men who in their hearts believed they were doing the work of the Lord that were shot and one killed and some here feeling concert for family members and those who hearts are sadden by this tragedy...

Your enmity Wolfgang_Blitzkrieg on this grief thread is not the time or place to vent your road rage!

207 posted on 01/03/2006 2:35:09 PM PST by restornu (Everyone has a photographic memory some just don't have film!:)
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To: Californiajones
However, in the Book of Revelation, John said that "anyone adds to the words in this book -- let him be accursed"

The Book of Revelation, while it appears as the last book in The New Testament there was no New Testament in place when John wronte the Book of Revelations. The canon was not established until the late 300's. In 397 AD, at the Council of Carthage, the books of Hebrews, James, 2 Peter, 2nd and 3rd John and Jude were added to the canon for the first time. In addition, the Shepehered of Hermas, the Leter of Barnabas, the Gospel of the Hebrews, the Reveation of Peter, the Acts of Peter, the Didache, the Teaching of Twelve, and the Apostles were all removed from the Canon. To interpret that verse to mean that one can't add to the Bible would mean that one would have to throw out the books all of the books added in 397. In fact, at the time that John wrote the Book of Revelations, the only books that were part of the Canon were Luke, Romans, 1st and 2nd Corintians, Galations, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1st and 2nd Thessalonians, and Philemon. So, if you stick to your interpretation of that scripture in Revelations, then you would have to throw out Matthew, Mark, John, Acts, 1st and 2nd Timothy, Titus, Hebres, James, 1st and 2nd Peter, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John, and Jude. You would have to toss out well over half of the books in the New Testament. I don't think that you want to go there.

Even Moses in the Song of Moses from Deuteronomy warns direly that anyone who adds to the Word of God is in huge trouble.

Wow! So, now we'll have to throw out almost all of the books in the Old and New Testaments since they came after Deuteronomy.

Please, you really need to stop. You've callously taken the opportunity of a thread about the tragic shooting of a servant of God to attack the faith of the murdered young man and that of his family. I think that if you examine such behavior you will not find it to be consistant with what is commonly believed to be Christian behavior. I hope that you can refrain from such further behavior and go find other more interesting threads in which to post your opinions.

208 posted on 01/03/2006 2:40:16 PM PST by Spiff ("They start yelling, 'Murderer!' 'Traitor!' They call me by name." - Gael Murphy, Code Pink leader)
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To: ScratchHatch
There are differences between Christian and Mormon belief.

Christians do not believe that Satan and Jesus were brothers.

Christians do not believe that men can become Gods.

It's dishonest to pretend that there's no difference.

That's all that's really being said here.

And insensitive as it may seem, ... it would be most unloving if noone on this thread pointed that out (particularly as it relates to one's rightness with God).

If God had said that it didn't matter what we believed ... it would be a different matter.

I grieve for the young men who were the victims of this senseless crime.

But there will be more reason for grief if God's truth is not heard.

209 posted on 01/03/2006 2:40:31 PM PST by Quester (If you can't trust Jesus, ... who can you trust ?)
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To: Palladin; frgoff
"All Christian sects teach works as part of salvation. Some require baptism (a work). All require some sort of sinners prayer asking the Lord for forgiveness and accepting Christ as Savior (a work). All teach that saved Christians must follow the teachings of Christ (a work).

Great points! I will have to remember them for the next time I get into the works versus faith argument."

What sects require Baptism when Jesus Himself said to the (unbaptized) thief on the cross "Today you shall be with me in paradise"?

A sinner's prayer is not a "work".

Doing what God tells you to do is a "work" but salvation does not rest upon it.

Remember guys, Paul teaches us to pull down arguments and everything that resists the knowledge of God.

And as for those sad young men on their mission -- I mean no disrespect. If we all knew them personally, then I could see the need for Palladin's name calling of me -- but please. Paul tells us to preach the word in and out of season.
210 posted on 01/03/2006 2:44:24 PM PST by Californiajones ("The apprehension of beauty is the cure for apathy" - Thomas Aquinas)
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To: Californiajones
Doing what God tells you to do is a "work" but salvation does not rest upon it.

James 2:
14 What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?

15 If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food,

16 And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?

17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.

19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar?

22 Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?

23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.

24 Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.

25 Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent them out another way?

26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

Yes, works alone will not save you, neither will faith only. Faith through the atonement of Christ is absolutely required for salvation. But our faith is made more "perfect" via works. By acting on what Christ has taught, our faith becomes stronger, and our knowledge of the truth of His teachings becomes more sure.
211 posted on 01/03/2006 2:54:01 PM PST by Adam-ondi-Ahman
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To: BeHoldAPaleHorse
Mormon missionaries in Utah?

Actually, some of the highest conversion rates are in the Utah missions.
212 posted on 01/03/2006 2:55:07 PM PST by Adam-ondi-Ahman
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To: Spiff
Peter gives all of Paul's letter's status as the Word. Jesus promised His disciples in John 1 that people would be saved because of the words they they wrote when the Holy Spirit reminded them of all He had said.

John's admonition against adding to the book of Revelation can be applied broadly, and certainly 19 centuries later to an ex Mason in upstate New York who claimed to see the what even Moses was not allowed to see on the mountain -- the face of God. Why because no one can see God and live without the propitiation of sin. This is why Isaiah was offered a coal to purge him of sin when he was taken to the throneroom.

And, as to what books of the Old testament should be in the Bible, I'll take the ones Jesus Himself refers to. How about that for a standard?

There is nothing callous about calling a spade a spade concerning the cult of Mormonism -- unless we all are intimates of these boys in the news today.

What is callous are the ungentlemanly personal attacks upon me in an open forum. My prayer is that Mormons, or anyone of us who gets deceived into putting anything before God in our hearts -- for our God is a jealous god -- would have the veils stripped off their minds and hearts. Sorry if we can't have healthy debate without name calling and finger pointing on FR!
213 posted on 01/03/2006 2:57:01 PM PST by Californiajones ("The apprehension of beauty is the cure for apathy" - Thomas Aquinas)
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To: Manic_Episode


214 posted on 01/03/2006 3:00:01 PM PST by Humidston
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To: Adam-ondi-Ahman

Right, so doing what God tells you to do is a "work" but our salvation does not rest upon it.

It's sort of like "proof" of it.

215 posted on 01/03/2006 3:00:04 PM PST by Californiajones ("The apprehension of beauty is the cure for apathy" - Thomas Aquinas)
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To: Quester

"There are differences between Christian and Mormon belief."

Frankly, I don't care (too much) if you don't think I'm a Christian. At that level it's all a game of definitions anyway, so I don't take what one feels is required to call themself Christian too seriously. However, that's not all that was being said here. People were gravely misrepresenting my beliefs. I merely answered questions and addressed inaccuracies.

216 posted on 01/03/2006 3:05:05 PM PST by ScratchHatch
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To: Wolfgang_Blitzkrieg; Heatseeker
That's what this place is all about.

Sure it is, so, in that spirt, start your own damned thread. THIS thread is about a family's tragedy and another young man with serious wounds.
217 posted on 01/03/2006 3:07:57 PM PST by MikefromOhio (Happy New Year)
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To: Knitting A Conundrum

Glad you know the history of the printed Bible, but it still doesn't explain why God would speak in outmoded English to Joseph Smith. Or to the Egyptians. Or japanese. Or whoever.

218 posted on 01/03/2006 3:09:06 PM PST by Californiajones ("The apprehension of beauty is the cure for apathy" - Thomas Aquinas)
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To: MikeinIraq
Sorry MikeinIraq, but THIS thread is what it is because this is FR. My bro's been back from Tikrit for months now, how is hangin out there?
219 posted on 01/03/2006 3:10:44 PM PST by Californiajones ("The apprehension of beauty is the cure for apathy" - Thomas Aquinas)
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To: Quester


one can disagree with out the asp and your opinion was cordial and to the point of your take on the LDS

thank you

It's dishonest to pretend that there's no difference.

Quester you feel it is dishonset to pretend, I say misunderstood in our differences.

Someday on at another time and thead we might continue this!

220 posted on 01/03/2006 3:11:25 PM PST by restornu (Everyone has a photographic memory some just don't have film!:)
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