I originally commented on this statement, mainly on the part but so far, He hasnt.
Every word of Scripture, both Old and New Testaments, signifies Jesus Christ.
Amen! But I dont believe that scripture is the only means we have to develop doctrine. Here I will resort to typology to support my argument. Judge it if you can because I am not settled completely on my interpretation.
I believe that by looking at men, we can understand some things about mankind. As we get older, many things happen, including one that I think is significant here. Our vision. The lenses in the eye do not shrink as much in older people when the muscles relax. This makes it so that we cannot focus on the small print. When the iris is largest, focusing is the most important. When the iris is smallest, focusing is less important, but it requires more light. This is why I can read a book in the bright sunlight, without my glasses.
Isnt this what God have been doing all along? Increasing the light. We like to think that we understand so much more than our ancestors. I wonder. Adams understanding of one sacrifice was all he needed to fully understand grace. God incrementally added scripture and knowledge until we have reached the point that we have more information at our disposal than ever. But where is wisdom? Do we see more clearly?
The leaven inexorably does its work until the whole is leavened. As sin increases, our vision is clouded.
All I have to add is that this: God the Father has revealed Himself in Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit, in Scripture and in the Creation (spiritual and physical, heaven and earth).