Dear rogator,
It isn't primarily a matter of finances, but of church discipline and ecclesiology.
These folks appealed to Rome, and Rome told them they were in the wrong, and Archbishop Burke was in the right.
The original bylaws and articles of incorporation provided for the archbishop to appoint the board, and for the bylaws to be changed only with his approval and within the laws of the Catholic Church. In that they changed the bylaws without his permission, he sought to force them to change them back. They appealed to Rome, claiming that their changes were acceptable within church law.
The pope disagreed, and said that their current form of governance just isn't Catholic.
I wish them well on their journey into Protestantism. But as long as they believe that they can run a parish any old way they want, without regard to the local ordinary or to Rome, then they are no longer Catholic.
As an aside, I wonder how this dispute will affect the RCC diocese of Oregon's bankruptcy case in which the Archbishop claims that the assets of the local parishes belong to the local parishes and are thus not part of the bankruptcy estate of the archdiocese, and therefore not available for payment of claims in priest sex abuse cases?