"All "rights" are bestowed by God, and no man made document or law can abrogate His authority. No one has the "right" to blaspheme or commit sacrilege. No one has the "right" to be in error, and promulgate error. Being "permitted" to be in error and promulgate error is not the same thing as having a "right" to do it."
You sound like one of those folks who's disappointed that you're not allowed to stone infidels to death.
You sound like someone who can't put forth a reasonable argument to support your position. I imagine it is because your position lacks reason.
What's your problem? I personally don't care what Denis Leary is up to, but that doesn't entitle me to be a complete jackass to other people. You seem to think it does. People have the right to be pissed off, especially when their family is ridiculed. Catholics believe that the Virgin Mary is their mother. What if somebody were making money by making fun of your mother?