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Fr. Samuel Edwards' sermons on the Nicene Creed now available in PDF
Prydain ^
| 11/30/2005
| Will
Posted on 12/03/2005 12:05:53 PM PST by sionnsar
If you have enjoyed the sermons by the Rev. Samuel Edwards on the Nicene Creed, he now has compiled the entire series in one PDF file with an introductory preface and an appendix which includes the Creed in the Greek, Latin and English versions. This can be downloaded from the church website at this link:
Blueprint of Belief: Ten Sermons on the Nicene Creed
I would definitely recommend reading the preface to this compilation as well as the sermons themselves.
Posted by Will at 12 : 05 am
TOPICS: Mainline Protestant
KEYWORDS: nicenecreed
[I am happy to see this! I read the first two, then missed some while traveling, and haven't quite had the time to come back and pull them all together to post for the Traditional Anglican ping list. Now I don't have to. [grin] --sionnsar]
posted on
12/03/2005 12:05:53 PM PST
To: ahadams2; Condor 63; Fractal Trader; Zero Sum; anselmcantuar; Agrarian; coffeecup; Paridel; ...
Traditional Anglican ping, continued in memory of its founder
Arlin Adams.
FReepmail sionnsar if you want on or off this moderately high-volume ping list (typically 3-9 pings/day).
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Resource for Traditional Anglicans:
The Anglican Blue (by Huber)
Speak the truth in love. Eph 4:15
posted on
12/03/2005 12:25:49 PM PST
(†† || To Libs: You are failing to celebrate MY diversity! || Iran Azadi)
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