There was a time in this country when men were called out of their professions to assume a position in government, because of their beliefs. Once their task was completed, they stepped down and returned to their original work.
Today, men are called out of their professions to assume a position in government, because of their clout. Once ensconced in a government position, they alter their views to conform to society and rarely return to their original work. Essentially, politics is now a profession and its leaders are shills for lobbyists who fill their coffers.
Thank you for posting this updated information. It has been quite a while since I've heard anymore about Ballestreri's cause. Yes, he does need prayers! He has already lost one job. In his effort to gun down the big players, he is up against their protector, Satan. There will be hell to pay, if he succeeds.
For those unfamiliar with Mr. Ballestreri's work, follow the link posted by Mrs. Don-o. And please pray for this man and his cause. He represents ALL of us!
Moral Absolutes Ping.
Some people are fighting the good fight. This one is taking place from within the organization of the Catholic Church. Why should anyone - especially "leaders" who influence so many others with their votes and their decisions - get to call themselves "Catholic" when their words and their decisions are in direct opposition to the tenets of the Catholic faith?
Freepmail me if you want on/off this pinglist.
This affects all social conservatives, whether they're Catholic or not. Supporting and promoting the universal moral absolutes that are the same in every religion is more important than haggling about which denomination is the right one. If the leftists/liberals/ACLU/professional atheists/etcetc have their way, we'll all have to discuss theology in the Gulag, in whispers.