To: Tax-chick
these people want the grotesque, perverted evil of sodomy to be called 'good'. They're doing the work of the "father of lies".
I agree that the father of lies is at their side when they protest. It is a tired shame. But, we should also realize that we also do the work of the father of lies when we use contraception (grotesque, perverted evil of "nuetered sex").
26 posted on
11/07/2005 1:57:41 PM PST by
(GK - God is good)
To: klossg
Who's "we", Kemosabe?
29 posted on
11/07/2005 2:20:02 PM PST by
(Western Civilisation is aborting, buggering, and contracepting itself out of existence.)
To: klossg
Excellent point. I've often mentioned that we wouldn't be having the problem with homosexual aggressiveness (so to speak) that we have today, if heterosexuals hadn't given themselves a moral pass for sins against chastity for the last two or three generations. It's easy to condemn the sin that doesn't tempt you, but much more difficult to repent of, and stop practicing, the one you think is necessary to your life.
Did I mention drinking in the afternoon, and an excess of colorful language?
38 posted on
11/07/2005 5:31:42 PM PST by
(I'm not being paid enough to worry about all this stuff ... so I don't.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson