To: Graves; RKBA Democrat; TaxachusettsMan; NYer
"...a Church that gladly licked Russian communist butt in order to be the immoral recipient of stolen Catholic Church property and point-of-the-gun converts within enslaved Ukraine for decades!"
Come again????"
Merely two (2) excerpts from among the approximately 55,400 Google hits based upon a search of "Ukraine + Catholic + persecution":
"The Soviets had their reasons to fear Bishop Romzha. A young, energetic, and absolutely unyielding leader, Romzha had denounced the pressures being put on his people by the combined efforts of the Soviet authorities and the Russian Orthodox Church.The Orthodox themselves had suffered terrible persecution at Soviet hands and, no doubt, quite a few of them deplored the persecution of their Greek Catholic brothers and sisters. But the Moscow Orthodox leadership had been used by Stalin beginning in 1943 to help rouse the people for the "great patriotic war" against the Nazis. After the Germans were repelled, Stalin decided to continue manipulating the population by bringing as many believers as possible under the sway of the co-opted Moscow Patriarch Sergei. In much of Ukraine, this led to violent acts against Catholics who refused reunion with the Orthodox and the state-imposed substitution of Orthodox leaders in Catholic dioceses and parishes.
On Good Friday of 1947, in the Uzhgorod Cathedral, Romzha had publicly denounced these measures as "the lawlessness of the dark forces of hell." He was not exaggerating. Soviet agents organized an illegitimate sobor (council) of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, which no true bishop attended. All but Romzha, including the great national leader Metropolitan Joseph Slipyi, were imprisoned and several (M. M. Budka, H. L. Khomyshyn, Gregory Lakota, Petro Verhun) died under detention as did many priests, nuns and lay people. Those present at the sobor were manipulated into liquidating the Ukrainian Catholic Church by making it part of the Russian Orthodox system. In a single stroke, the Soviets had eliminated over 4 million Catholics together with the whole Church hierarchy within their post-World War II holdings. The Ukrainians became the largest suppressed group of believers on earth until they arose again after the 1989 fall of Communism."
"When Stalin liquidated the Ukrainian Catholic Church, forcing its several million adherents into the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Alexei and his bishops received these coerced "converts" gleefully. Instead of protesting prophetically against this persecution of fellow Christians, the Moscow Patriarchate shamelessly exploited their plight, heaping religious tragedy upon political atrocity."
96 posted on
07/24/2005 11:58:04 AM PDT by
(paraphrasing Parrish: "damned Liberals, I hate those bastards!")
"When Stalin liquidated the Ukrainian Catholic Church, forcing its several million adherents into the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Alexei and his bishops received these coerced "converts" gleefully. Instead of protesting prophetically against this persecution of fellow Christians, the Moscow Patriarchate shamelessly exploited their plight, heaping religious tragedy upon political atrocity." ...and... so... forth
GMMAC, you are condemning St. Philaret of New York City (the New Confessor), and his fellow bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR) in 1983 on the basis of what was being done and had been done by the KGB controlled Moscow Patriarchate from 1925 to the collapse of the Soviet Union. During those years, the ROCOR was not in communion, as it is now, with the Moscow Patriarchate. In fact, the two jurisdictions were literally at war with each other.
I personally have no use for Patriarch Alexey II, called by some the "Ghetto Patriarch" because of his KGB past. But what has he got to do with St. Philaret and the 1983 anathema against ecumenism? Nothing.
98 posted on
07/24/2005 12:47:24 PM PDT by
(Remember Esphigmenou - Orthodoxy or Death!)
On Good Friday of 1947, in the Uzhgorod Cathedral, Romzha had publicly denounced these measures as "the lawlessness of the dark forces of hell." He was not exaggerating. Soviet agents organized an illegitimate sobor (council) of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, which no true bishop attended. All but Romzha, including the great national leader Metropolitan Joseph Slipyi, were imprisoned and several (M. M. Budka, H. L. Khomyshyn, Gregory Lakota, Petro Verhun) died under detention as did many priests, nuns and lay people. Those present at the sobor were manipulated into liquidating the Ukrainian Catholic Church by making it part of the Russian Orthodox system. In a single stroke, the Soviets had eliminated over 4 million Catholics together with the whole Church hierarchy within their post-World War II holdings. The Ukrainians became the largest suppressed group of believers on earth until they arose again after the 1989 fall of Communism." ...
"When Stalin liquidated the Ukrainian Catholic Church, forcing its several million adherents into the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Alexei and his bishops received these coerced "converts" gleefully. Instead of protesting prophetically against this persecution of fellow Christians, the Moscow Patriarchate shamelessly exploited their plight, heaping religious tragedy upon political atrocity."
179 posted on
07/26/2005 5:57:58 PM PDT by
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